Importing CSI or NAHB Codes into QuickBooks Online (Old Method)

Below are spreadsheets that can be used to import Service Items into the Service Items List for QuickBooks Online according to the old method. For commercial contractors, either CSI 95 or 2016 format would be recommended and for residential contractors NAHB.

Click here for instructions on how to import CSI or NAHB codes into QuickBooks Online according to the new method.

Important Things To Know

  • Importing Service Items is optional and may be used when a blank QuickBooks Online database has been prepared or if a company chooses to move to an industry standard coding structure.
  • You'll have to select a parent income and expense account for each line item (sub-accounts can't be used). Make sure you select the proper accounts here or it will affect your reporting.
  • Importing a Products and Services list is normally additive. In other words, it amends the existing list by adding new items, not erasing the ones that are already there.
  • If you'd like to replace your existing list with your excel import - check the box that says "Overwrite existing records in QuickBooks Online with the same Product/Service name".

Preparing the Service Item List to be Imported

  1. Download one of the Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) files below and review the items.
  2. Update the Expense and Income GL Chart of Account columns in the spreadsheet. The GL Chart of Accounts referenced in the spreadsheet must exist in your QuickBooks file before importing.
  3. Save the spreadsheet.

Construction Industry Standard Service Items

Alternative Service Items based on Cost Resource and for Invoicing

Import Instructions For QuickBooks Online

  1. In QuickBooks Online, choose Gear Icon > Import Data.
  2. Click Products and Services.
  3. Click Browse, then find your Excel file, and click Open.
  4. Click Next.
  5. The QuickBooks Online fields and those specified in the first row of the the spreadsheet will be shown. Click the drop-down lists to ensure field information is mapped correctly.
  6. After a few moments, you'll see a list of records available to import and what QBO fields the information is mapped to. If needed, adjust where the information is matching to and then click Import Records.
  7. If there is an error, such as a duplicate item already in QuickBooks Online, or an invalid field, QuickBooks Online will provide an opportunity to correct the data and re-import the modified records; you can also choose to ignore the records.