Retrieve Sage Construction Management-Specific Email Address

Each user is automatically assigned a Sage Construction Management-specific email address.

To retrieve the address for a user:

  1. Log in to Sage Construction Management as an Admin.
  2. Click Settings (Gear Icon).
  3. Click Company Settings | Users.
  4. Employees that have either a Standard or Time/Expense login will appear in their respective section.
  5. Click the user record to view the details.
  6. In the User Details form, there are two email fields: the user's standard business email address and Inbound.

    The latter email address is auto-generated by Sage Construction Management so no changes are allowed. This particular emaill address comes into play when an email is sent out of Sage Construction Management and the recipient replies back via email as opposed to clicking on the provided TeamLink Portal. This reply email will appear in Sage Construction Management | Email | Inbox for the original user.