Procurement Module Settings

General Settings

Document Anticipated Costs Method


  • Itemized Breakdown (Default)
  • Summary By Job Cost Code (JCC)

Do not allow Subcontracts or SCOs to be modified after Sub Invoices have been created.

Default/Recommended Setting: Checked

It is crucial to have control measures in place to avoid discrepancies with data especially when it comes to fixed lump sum Subcontracts. Basically, if original contract items (aka sub schedule of values) and SCOs are imported into a Sub Invoice the item's value should not be modified at a later date especially if the transaction has already been approved and paid for. However, Sage Construction Management does offer an override so modficiations to a Subcontract or SCO can be applied but this setting should only be temporarily unchecked. If it is permanently left unchecked then over or under billing can occur.

Check Duplicate Invoice Numbers on Bills and Sub Invoices

Default Setting: Unchecked

When entering Bills or Sub Invoices, the system can do a lookup to check if the invoice number already exists in the system for that particular project and vendor. If a record already exists, a warning message will be provided but the user can choose to ignore it.

Procurement Lists