Digitizer integration with Stratosphere

About Stratosphere

The Stratosphere cloud platform gives estimators unprecedented freedom to complete takeoffs from anywhere with next generation takeoff and markup tools. For more information, visit the Stratosphere website.

Stratosphere integration overview

Important things to know

  • At the present time, Stratosphere does not support multiple users per business, so an individual account must be linked to a Sage Construction Management account. Thus, Sage Construction Management users working on an estimate will use the same Stratosphere account.
  • Start by setting up a lead or project and estimate in Sage Construction Management. Then this information and related drawings can be used to create the Stratosphere project. See details below on how objects are linked and exported.
    • Sage Construction Management lead or project > Stratosphere Project
    • Sage Construction Management uploaded drawings > Stratosphere documents
    • Sage Construction Management estimate line items > Stratosphere layers
  • Use the View in Stratosphere button on the Estimate Items tab only if Stratosphere is not open. Selecting this button opens the linked project in Stratosphere.
  • A project in Stratosphere can contain numerous documents, such as drawing files in PDF format, and layers.
  • A layer in Stratosphere designates a type of measurement, and it can contain multiple measurements from different documents.

Add Stratosphere log-in credentials

Add your Stratosphere log-in credentials in Sage Construction Management.

  1. Log in to Sage Construction Management as an administrator.
  2. Select Settings > Feature Settings > Estimating.
  3. In the Digitizer Software field, select Stratosphere.
  4. Enter your log-in credentials for Stratosphere.
  5. Select Save.

Set up a lead or project

Create a lead or project in Sage Construction Management, including drawings, and estimate, and (optionally) specifications.

  1. Create a lead or project in Sage Construction Management.
  2. On the Lead or Project home screen, on the menu at the bottom, select Drawings.
  3. On the Actions menu, select an option for adding drawings.
  4. Add your drawings as PDF files.
  5. Optionally, return to the Lead or Project menu, select Specifications, and upload specifications as PDF files.
  6. Return to the Lead or Project menu and select Estimates.
  7. On the Actions menu, select Add estimate, and add an estimate.

Create a project in Stratosphere

Create a project in Stratosphere and copy drawings and specifications from Sage Construction Management.

  1. In the Estimate Properties form, go to the Use Digitizer section and select Use Digitizer for Estimate.
  2. Go through the setup wizard to create a project in Stratosphere and upload drawings and specification files (optional).

Add estimate cost codes and line items

  1. In the Estimate Properties form, select View Estimate.
  2. Add Estimate Cost Codes
  3. Add Estimate Cost Line Items

Digitize estimate line items

Follow these steps to digitize individual estimate line items.

  1. Go to the line item to be digitized.
  2. Select the cost line item description. You're redirected to the line item details form.
  3. Optionally, select Create Layer in Stratosphere to create a new layer for the line item.
  4. Optionally, select Link with existing Stratosphere Layer if a layer was created manually in Stratosphere for the item measurement.
    1. In the pop-up form, select the corresponding layer for the cost line item.
    2. If there are more than 19 layers, you can use the Search field to filter layers.
    3. Select Link with Existing Layer.
  5. Go to Stratosphere and complete a linear, area, or count measurement.
  6. Go to the estimate item details form in Sage Construction Management.
  7. Select Update Measurement from Stratosphere.

Digitize Multiple Estimate Line Items

Follow these steps to digitize multiple estimate line items.

  1. In the Items tab, select the checkbox for one or more line items to be digitized.
  2. Select Global Changes.
  3. Choose one of the options below.
    • Create Area Layer in Stratosphere
    • Create Linear Layer in Stratosphere
    • Create Count Layer in Stratosphere
  4. Go to Stratosphere and complete linear, area, and count measurements.
  5. Go back to the estimate items in Sage Construction Management.
  6. Optionally, in the Special Filter list, select Digitize Items.
  7. Select all items.
  8. Select Global Changes.
  9. Select Update Measurements from Stratosphere.

Change line item measurement type

You can change the measurement type for individual line items.

  1. Go to the line item that requires a measurement type change.
  2. Select the cost line item description. You'll then see the line item details form.
  3. Select Update Measurement Type.
  4. In the pop-up form, change the measurement type.
  5. Select Update Type.

Remove Stratosphere link from line item

You can remove the Stratosphere link from individual line items.

  1. Go to the line item.
  2. Select the cost line item description. You'll then see the line item details form.
  3. Select Delete Stratosphere Link.