Set Default Tax Codes on Job Cost Codes Table

Default tax codes can be specified on the job cost codes table. However, there is a system property that will determine if a single tax code applies to both Contract Admin and Procurement transactions or if separate tax codes are required. To set this property, go to Settings (gear icon) > Company Settings > Taxation.

Tax codes screen with Use single default tax code per job cost code option selected in the Tax setup field.

Show Tax Codes On Job Cost Code Listing

  1. Go to Projects and select a project.
  2. Under the Client Contract Admin section, select Job Cost Codes.
  3. Select Columns.
  4. Select the following options depending on the tax codes setup:
    • If a single tax code applies to both Contract Admin and Procurement transactions, select Tax Code.
    • If separate tax codes apply to the Contract Admin and Procurement transactions, select AP Tax Code and AR Tax Code.
  5. Click Apply.

Update Default Tax Codes as a Bulk Action

  1. Go to Projects and select a project.
  2. Under the Client Contract Admin section, select Job Cost Codes.
  3. Select one or more codes from the list and click Choose Bulk Action.
  4. In the Default Tax Code section, select the applicable check box and then select an option from the list.
    • If a single tax code applies to both Contract Admin and Procurement transactions, select the Tax Code option and select the corresponding tax code from the dropdown.
    • If separate tax codes apply to the Contract Admin and Procurement transactions, select the Default AP Tax Code and/or Default AR Tax Code and select the corresponding tax code(s) from the dropdown.
  5. Click Save.

Tax Codes Added to Invoices

The default tax code on the job cost code listing is automatically added to prim and sub invoices. To view the tax codes:

  1. On the Project home page, click Jump to Page and select Prime Invoices or Sub Invoices.

  2. Select an invoice from the list.

  3. In the Invoices Details section, select one of the view invoice details options.

The tax codes are show in the item details section.

The item details section of the Invoice details screen. The tax codes are shown for each line item.