Owner Cost Codes Overview

Job Cost Codes are designed to track project financial details based on your own internal requirements. Typically, these codes are also suitable for customer reporting.

However, if the client is requiring a different structure, Owner Cost Codes can be created and then mapped to their corresponding Job Cost Code to transpose the financial details to the customer format.

Important Things To Know

  • If Owner Cost Codes are created, each Job Cost Code must reference an Owner Code.
  • The same Owner Code can be referenced on multiple Job Cost Codes.
  • Owner Cost Codes are project specific. Thus, they cannot be copied to another project.
  • When entering financial details (eg. CO items, PO items, Timecards etc.), a Job Cost Code reference is required. Owner Cost Codes are not shown within the data entry form.
  • All customer facing financial documents (eg. CPRs, COs, and Prime Invoices) have a report option where details can be summarized by Owner Cost Code.

Create Owner Cost Codes

  1. Go to Projects and select a project.
  2. Under the Client Contract Admin section, select Job Cost Codes.
  3. Click Actions and select Owner Cost Codes from the dropdown.

    This will refresh the page and show a list with the existing Owner Cost Codes.

  4. To add an Owner Cost Code, click Actions and select Add Manually from the dropdown.
  5. Enter the Order Number, Cost Code, and Description.

    The order number is used for sorting.

  6. Click Save.

Link Owner Cost Codes With Job Cost Codes

  1. On the Job Cost Codes page, select one or more Job Cost Codes that will be assigned the same Owner Cost Code.
  2. Click Choose Bulk Action.
  3. In the Choose Bulk Actions dialog, under the Owner Grouping section, select the Owner Code option and select the code from the dropdown.
  4. Click Save.

Remove Previously Assigned Owner Code Reference

  1. On the Job Cost Codes page, select one or more Job Cost Codes from the list and click Choose Bulk Action.
  2. In the Choose Bulk Actions dialog, under the Owner Grouping section, select the Remove Owner Code Reference option.
  3. Click Save.

Update Owner Cost Codes Using a Bulk Action

  1. On the Job Cost Codes page, click Actions and select Owner Cost Codes from the dropdown.

  2. Select one or more codes from the list and click Choose Bulk Action.

  3. You have the following options:

    • To reset the order for all Owner Cost Codes, select Reset Owner Code Order.

    • To delete the selected Owner Cost Codes, select Delete.

  4. ClickSave.