Status (If Workflow is turned on and a Rule potentially applies then Status will be disabled otherwise it is enabled.)
Optional Fields:
Status Date
Optional: Specify Unique Project Address For This Prime Contract. Note: This is applicacable when there are a multiple structures on the Project. For example, a developer may setup a Project representing a subdivision and each Prime Contract would be
a particular Lot. In this scenario, the Prime Contract Address would be the Lot address.
Issued By (Client) Section: Required Fields:
Address Type
Optional Fields:
Note: The company drop-down will be the Project Directory. If the company is not listed, just click the Actions button shown at the top right then Project Directory to add the firm on the "fly".
This also applies to Issued To and Architect/Client Rep sections below.
Issued To (Your Firm) Section: Required Fields:
Address Type
Optional Fields:
Optional: Architect / Client Rep Section:
Address Type
Note: Although these fields are optional, it is recommended to reference the appropriate firm since some contract and invoice templates include this information.
Enter the Work Scope.
Optional: Enter Inclusions, Exclusions, and Clarifications manually or import a Scope Template. That latter can be performed by clicking the Import button shown to the right of Inclusions.
Note: Scope Templates can be created in Settings | Templates and Reports | Scope Templates.
Optional: Enter Estimated Dates for Start, Substantial Completion, or Finish.
Optional: Enter Actual Dates for Notice to Proceed, Start, Substantial Completion, or Finish.
Optional: Default Prime Contract and Subcontract Retention (Holdback) percentages for work and stored material. The latter is only applicable to fixed lump sum contracts.
Note: Default Prime Retention Percentages will be copied to future Prime or Client Invoices. Default Subcontract Retention Percentages will be copied to future Subcontracts when issued.
Optional: Enter the amount for Incentives Per Day and/or Liquidated Damages.
Click the Save and Next button.
Select job cost codes
Select the Job Cost Codes that are applicable to the Prime Contract.
Click the Save and Next button.
Enter estimated budgets and costs
Optional but recommended: Cost Budgets
Material (M) Cost Budget
Labor (L) Cost Budget
Equipment (E) Cost Budget
Sub (S) Cost Budget
Other (O) Cost Budget
Optional but recommended if timecards are entered: Hour Budgets
Labor (L) Hour Budget
Equipment (E) Hour Budget
Required for Fixed Lump Sum, Cost Plus With GMP, and Unit Price: Contract Amount