Update Original Equipment Hour Budget

Original Equipment Hour Budgets can not be added or modified for the following scenarios.

  • Workflow is turned on, an approval rule applies, and workflow has been initiated.
  • Workflow is turned on, an approval rule applies, and transaction has been approved.

Update Original Equipment Hour Budgets

  1. Open an existing Prime Contract and scroll down to the Original Prime Contract Budgets section.
  2. Click the Equipment Hours link. This will show cost codes and equipment hour budgets in read only mode.
  3. Click Edit to enable changes.
  4. Navigate to a Job Cost Code that requires updating. If the Job Cost Code is not shown, see the next section on importing cost codes.
  5. Enter the budgeted hours for Run-Time (RT), Idle-Time (IT) and Down-Time (DT). If there is only one budget number, then enter it in the Run-Time (RT) field.
  6. Repeat the last two steps for other Job Cost Codes that require updating.
  7. Click the Save button shown below the grid.
  8. Review subtotals at the bottom of the grid.

Import Job Cost Codes into the Equipment Hour Budgets Table

  1. Click the Add | Import Items drop-down shown above and to the right of the Equipment Hour Budgets grid.
  2. Click Import Job Cost Code in the drop-down. This will refresh the page and list all the Job Cost Codes for the selected Project.
  3. Select one or more Job Cost Codes using the checkbox shown on the left.
  4. Click the Add and Close button.