Allowance package to CO wizard

You can copy and convert one or more allowance packages to a change order (CO) using the Allowance Package to CO Wizard.

  1. Click the Projects icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Project in the Quick Select section.
  3. On the Project menu, select COs.
  4. Click the Actions button on the far right.
  5. Click Add From Allowance Package option from the drop-down menu.
  6. Within the Wizards form, select the Project # and Prime Contract #. After selecting the Prime Contract, Allowance Packages with Selected Options will then be listed in the grid below.
  7. Select one or more Allowance Packages to be included in the CO by clicking the checkbox on the left.
  8. Click the Next button shown below the grid.
  9. The CO and Order # fields should be already set to the next available number but could be modified.
  10. The default Issue Date will be set to today but can be modified.
  11. Enter the Subject. Suggestion: List the Allowance Package numbers in the subject field (ex Allowance Pkg 001, 002, 005).
  12. The Issued By and To Companies are determined by the specified Prime Contract and can not be changed.
  13. Optional: Select the Issued By and To Contacts. Defaults are set to the contacts specified in the Prime Contract.
  14. Optional: Select the Status and Status Date. If it is not approved yet, set the Status to Pending and leave the Status Date blank.
    Workflow Note: If Workflow is turned on in Settings and a CO rule applies then Status will be set to pending and can not be changed until after approval or rejection.
  15. Optional: Link the related Allowance Package files to the CO.
  16. Click the Finish button at the bottom.

Review after you complete the wizard

  • Change Work Scope
  • CO Contract Amount Revision and Cost/Hour Budgets
  • Initiate Workflow if Workflow is enabled and a Rule applies
  • Status and Status Date