Manually Add a Submittal

Step 1: General Submittal Information

  1. Click the Lead or Projects icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Lead or Project in the Quick Select section.
  3. On the Lead or Project menu, select Submittals.
  4. Click the Actions button on the far right.
  5. Click Add Manually option from the drop-down menu.
  6. In the data entry form, the Lead or Project # should be selected already but can be changed.
  7. The Issue Date and Submittal # are auto-generated but can be modified.
  8. Enter a brief Subject.
  9. Optional: Select the Submittal Type. This field can be used for filtering or sorting records.

    Admins can add options in Settings | Feature Settings | Correspondence | Submittal Types.

  10. Select the Originator, Coordinated By, and Main Respondent Company and Contact:
    Required Fields:
    • Company
    • Address Type
    Optional Fields:
    • Contact
    Note: The company drop-down will be the Project Directory. Typically, Originator is the Sub/Supplier who is providing the documentation or samples. Coordinator is your firm and the architect, CM firm, or owner being the Main Respondent.
  11. Enter the Overall Submittal Description.
  12. Optional: Response Workflow
    • Check Use Response Workflow?
    • Select Workflow Type: Sequential or Parallel
      • Sequential: An email alert would be sent automatically to the next respondent after comments have been entered in the TeamLink Portal by the current respondent. However, this would require Auto Notify Respondents to be checked.
      • Parallel: Email response requests will be sent to all respondents at once.
    • Optional: Check Auto Notify Respondents
  13. Click the Next button.

Step 2: Adding or Importing Submittal Items

Submittal Items can be entered manually in this step. However, there is an option to import Drawings but this must be done after the Submittal has been created. Please use the Skip button shown in the footer if items will be added manually or imported later.

  1. Optional: Enter or Select Default References for Submittal Items. The magnifying glass icon next to certain fields can be used to select an existing record.
    • Prime Contract #
    • CPR / CO #
    • Subcontract #
    • SCO #
    • Drawing
    • Location
    • Spec. Section
    • Other
  2. Optional: Select the date Submittal Items are due from the Originator. If these particular items have a long lead time upon ordering such as in the case of structural steel, the Originator Item Due Date is crucial since it can have a serious impact on the schedule.
  3. Optional: Select the default Manufacturer.
  4. Optional: Select the default Item Status. Typically, this would be set initially to Draft or Pending. Admins can add options in Settings | Feature Settings | Correspondence | Submittal Status.
  5. Optional: If the default Status is Draft or Pending, leave the Status Date blank otherwise enter a date.
  6. Optional: Enter Submittal Item Details.
    • Required: Item # (ex. 1, 2, 3 etc.) and Description
    • Optional: Quantity, Units, UPC, Manufacturers Part #
  7. Repeat previous step if there are multiple items.
  8. Click the Add and Next button.

Step 3: Linked Files

Files such as images or PDFs that pertain to the Submittals can be uploaded and linked to the record. If files will not be added or uploaded at this time, please use the Skip button shown in the footer.

Upload Files from Local Hard Drive:

  1. Select one or more files on your local hard drive and drag them to the Drag files here section or use the Select Local Files button shown on the right.
  2. Click the Add and Finish button.

Link Existing Files that have already been uploaded to the system:

  1. Click the Link Existing Files button on the right.
  2. Select the View
    • Current Project / Feature
    • Current Project Drawings and Specifications
  3. Select the Feature
  4. Select one or more files listed in the grid using the checkbox on the left.
  5. Click the Link and Close button below the grid. These files will be added automatically to the record and will not be shown in the Drag Local Files section.
  6. Click the Skip and Finish button below the grid.

Updating the Currently Responsible Company

After the Submittal has been created, the Company Currently Responsible (in other words, who's court the submittal is in) can be updated to the Originator or one of the Respondents. To update this particular field, please see steps below.

  1. On the Submittal details page, click Edit.
  2. Scroll down to the Status section.
  3. Select the Company Currently Responsible.
  4. Click Save or Save and Close in the footer.