Copy Submittal For Resubmission

Use the Copy Submittal For Resubmission Wizard when certain submittal items have been rejected and a new submittal needs to be created and resubmitted.

View submittal that has items requiring resubmission

  1. Click the Lead or Projects icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Lead or Project in the Quick Select section.
  3. On the Lead or Project menu, select Submittals.
  4. Click on the Submittal record that contains an Item that has been Rejected and requires Resubmission.
  5. Click the Actions button at the top right.
  6. Click the Copy for Resubmission option.

Step 1: Copy Submittal For Resubmission Wizard

  1. The default Project and Submittal will be selected automatically based on the prior form but can be changed.
  2. Optional: Filter the Submittal Items based on Status.
  3. Select one or more Submittal Items by clicking the checkbox on the left.
  4. Click the Next button below.

Step 2: Copy Submittal For Resubmission Wizard

  1. Review / Update the new Submittal #.
  2. Select the Issue Date. Default is set to today's date.
  3. Optional: Select Originator and Respondent Due Dates.
  4. Optional: Link Original Uploaded Submittal Files to New Submittal.
  5. Click the Finish button below.