Copy a Transmittal Using the Wizard

Follow these steps to use the Copy Transmittal Wizard.

Step 1: Select Source Lead or Project and Corresponding Transmittals

  1. Click the Lead or Projects icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Lead or Project in the Quick Select section.
  3. On the Lead or Project menu, select Transmittals.
  4. Click the Actions button on the far right.
  5. Click Copy Transmittal option from the drop-down menu.
  6. The Source Lead or Project # should be selected already in the copy wizard form but can be changed.
  7. Select one or more Transmittals in the grid below by clicking the checkbox.
  8. Click the Next button at the bottom.

Step 2: Select Target Lead or Project and Key Contacts

  1. Select the Destination Lead or Project #. The default will be the same as the previous step (aka Source) but can be changed.
  2. Select the Issue Date. Default is set to Todays date.
  3. Select Company and Contacts for the following. Default selections are based on the original Transmittal.
    • From
    • To
  4. Optional: Select if Transmittal Items should be copied. Typically, this would be checked.
  5. Click the Finish button at the bottom. Copied transmittals will have the same numbering convention as specified in Settings | Company Settings | Numbering.