Copy a Transmittal Multiple Times

Use the Copy Individual Transmittal Multiple Times Wizard to make multiple copies of a transmittal.

View the Transmittal

  1. Click the Lead or Projects icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Lead or Project in the Quick Select section.
  3. On the Lead or Project menu, select Transmittals.
  4. Click on the Transmittal record that will be copied one or more times.
  5. Click the Actions button at the top right.
  6. Click the Copy Transmittal option.

Step 1

  1. The default Project and Transmittal will be selected automatically based on the prior form but can be changed.
  2. Click the Next button below.

Step 2

  1. Enter Starting Transmittal #. The default will use the property in Settings | Company Settings | Numbering and existing Transmittal records.
  2. Select the Issue Date. Default is set to Todays date.
  3. Enter a Subject.
  4. Click the checkbox if Transmittal Items should be copied as well.
  5. Select From Company, Contact, and Address Type. Default would be same as original Transmittal.
  6. Select To Company, Contact, and Address Type.
  7. Repeat last step for additional Transmittals.
  8. Click the Finish button at the bottom.