Add Estimating Formula

  1. Click the Cost DB icon on the left menu.
  2. Navigate to the Formuals row in the Cost Database Stats section.
  3. Click the Actions button (Actions icon.) on the far right.
  4. Click Add Manually option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter a Formula Name (eg. Concrete - Cubic Yards).
  6. Enter the following information for each variable that will be referenced in the Formula field (shown at the bottom).
    • Code (ex. SlabW, SlabL, SlabD)
    • Description (ex. Slab Width, Slab Length, Slab Depth).
    • Unit of Measure (ex. ft, cm, in, m)
    • Optional: Default Quantity otherwise leave it zero (0)
  7. Enter the Formula using the variables defined above. (eg. SlabW * SlabL * (SlabD/12))
  8. Enter the Unit of Measure for the calculated quantity.
  9. Click the Save button at the bottom.