Add Estimating Formula
- Click the Cost DB icon on the left menu.
- Navigate to the Formuals row in the Cost Database Stats section.
- Click the Actions button (
) on the far right.
- Click Add Manually option from the drop-down menu.
- Enter a Formula Name (eg. Concrete - Cubic Yards).
- Enter the following information for each variable that will be referenced in the Formula field (shown at the bottom).
- Code (ex. SlabW, SlabL, SlabD)
- Description (ex. Slab Width, Slab Length, Slab Depth).
- Unit of Measure (ex. ft, cm, in, m)
- Optional: Default Quantity otherwise leave it zero (0)
- Enter the Formula using the variables defined above. (eg. SlabW * SlabL * (SlabD/12))
- Enter the Unit of Measure for the calculated quantity.
- Click the Save button at the bottom.