Edit an Estimating Formula

To view and edit formula details: 

  1. Click the Cost DB icon on the left menu.
  2. Click the record count number shown to the right of Formulas. This will refresh the page and show the Formula listing.
  3. Optional: Enter some text to filter the Formula listing.
  4. Click on the Formula Name to view details.
  5. To make changes, click Edit.
  6. Edit the fields as needed.
  7. Click the Save or Save and Close button.

Edit Formula Variables

  1. Click the Edit List button next to the Variables heading.
  2. Update the fields as needed.
  3. Optional: Click the Calculation button to test the Formula above using the Variable Test Quantities.
  4. Click the Save button.

Add Formula Variables

  1. Click the Add Variables button shown to the far right of the Variables heading.
  2. Enter the following information for each variable that will be referenced in the Formula field (shown at the bottom).
    • Code (ex. SlabW, SlabL, SlabD)
    • Description (ex. Slab Width, Slab Length, Slab Depth).
    • Unit of Measure (ex. ft, cm, in, m)
    • Optional: Default Quantity otherwise leave it zero (0)
  3. Click the Add and Close or Add button at the bottom.