Import scope template for a cost code

Scope definition

Inclusions, exclusions, and clarifications are basically notes that are part of a proposal. In Sage Construction Management, these types of notes can be documented for the overall estimate (see the Scope tab) and for each cost code (Section). We recommend using one or the other but not both.


Inclusions describe the work covered in the proposal, which may or may not be obvious. Think of inclusions as a narrative form of cost items in the estimate.


Exclusions describe the work not covered in the proposal.


Clarifications are typically used to identify items on a drawing that are not detailed enough to provide pricing.

Important things to know

  • Estimate scope is documented in the estimates Scope tab.
  • Cost code scope is documented in the Cost Code Details page. Go to Estimate Cost Codes tab > Cost Code.
  • Estimates and the cost code scope use the same mail merge table in the Estimate Proposal Template. Estimate scope is populated first, followed by cost code scope.
  • To create default scope templates, go to Settings > Templates and Reports > Scope Templates. Once established, scope templates can be imported into the Estimate or Cost Code Scope areas.
  • Estimates and cost code scopes can be copied to a prime contract when using the Contract Setup Wizard.
  • The cost code scope can be imported into an estimate RFP package when using the Import Estimate Cost Code option. This information is then copied to a subcontract when using the Procurement Setup Wizard.
  1. Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Cost Codes (Sections) tab at the top.
  2. Click the Cost Code # that requires Scope (ex. Inclusions, Exclsuions and Clarifications).
  3. Click the Import Scope link shown above the Internal Grouping fields and to the right.
  4. In the popup form, select the Scope Template.
  5. Select the Scope text to be imported.
    • Inclusions
    • Exclusions
    • Clarifications
  6. Optional: Select the option to Overwrite Existing Scope.
  7. Click the Import button.
  8. Review the text in the Inclusions tab.
  9. Review the text in the Exclusions tab.
  10. Review the text in the Clarifications tab.
  11. Click the Save or Save and Close button in the footer.