Manually add items to an estimate

  1. Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
  2. Click the Add / Import drop-down shown at the top right or click the plus sign (+) on a particular cost code section. The latter will automatically set the target cost code (see next step).
  3. Click the Add Manually option.
  4. Navigate to the Target Cost Code and Location section.
  5. Select the Cost Code in the drop-down.
  6. Optional: If Locations have been enabled, select the Target Location from the drop-down.
  7. Enter the following information.
    • Description
    • Quantity
    • Units
    • Material (M) Cost Rate
    • Labor (L) Cost Rate
    • Equipment (E) Cost Rate
    • Sub (S) Cost Rate
    • Other (O) Cost Rate
    • Optional: Alternative Cost Code from what is specified at top.
  8. Repeat previous step for additional items.
  9. Optional: If there are more than 10 items to be added, click the Add New Link option below the last row.
  10. Click the Add or Add and Close button in the footer. The former is used if additional items will be added to the Estimate but using a different Target or Location.