Set up credit cards

Add credit card options as bill types

  1. Log in to Sage Construction Management as an Admin
  2. Got to Settings > Feature Settings > Procurement.
  3. Go to the Bill Types section.
  4. To add an option, use the new row shown in the grid footer that is highlighted in yellow.
  5. Enter the Credit Card name, for example, Citibank Visa or Lowe's.
  6. Click Save.

Add credit card options as employee miscellaneous expense payment types

Note: It is very common that Bill and Misc. Expense Payment Types options are identical.

  1. Log in to Sage Construction Management as an Admin.
  2. Go to Settings > Feature Settings > Time and Expenses.
  3. Navigate to the Misc. Expense Payment Types section.
  4. To add an option, use the new row shown in the grid footer that is highlighted in yellow.
  5. Enter the Credit Card name.
  6. Click Save.

Add credit card companies to Contact Management

  1. Go to Contact Management.
  2. In the Stats section, in the Active Companies row, select the Actions button, and select Add manually.
  3. In the Company profile page, enter the credit card company or bank that issued the card.

    The name must be unique. Duplicate company names are not allowed.

  4. Enter the primary contact information if you have it.

    You could use this section for the customer service or billing department details.

  5. Enter the business contact information. This is used as the default billing and shipping information.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Add credit card companies to projects

You must add the credit card to any project that will have credit card transactions.

  1. Go to Projects.
  2. Select a project.
  3. Go to Project menu > Project team > project Directory.
  4. Click Actions and select Add Companies to Directory from Contact Management.
  5. Select the credit card company.

    Companies that are already in the project directory are not shown.

  6. Select add. This removes the contact from the list and adds it to the project directory.

Set up export rules for QuickBooks and Xero

If you use AccountingLink for QuickBooks or Zero, set up export rules for credit card transactions.

Since each credit card is typically a separate GL Account in QuickBooks or Xero, export rules can be definend for both Bill and Employee Misc. Expense Payment Types.

  1. Open AccountingLink for QuickBooks or Xero.
  2. Click Sync Preferences.
  3. Go to AP Section > Bill Type Export Rules.
  4. Update export rules for each Bill Type.
  5. Go to AP Section > Misc. Expense Payment Type Export Rules.
  6. Update export rules for each Payment Type.
  7. Save Sync Preferences.