Import Equipment Items From Microsoft Excel

Equipment Items are primarily used for Estimating purposes but can also be used on the project management side for job costing using the Equipment Timecards feature.

Prepare The Microsoft Excel Import File

  1. Open a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or download the sample file referenced below.
  2. The first row (column names) should be labeled as shown in the table. Be sure to include the required fields. Field names do not contain any spacing within the word or before and after.
  3. Insert data starting at Row 2.
  4. If Equipment Items are going to be categorized by a classification structure such your master cost codes, be sure these codes exist in Sage Construction Management before importing.
  5. Make sure the sheet name that contains the data is labeled Sheet1.
  6. Save the file in Excel 97-2003 format (*.xls).
  7. Close the file otherwise Sage Construction Management can not import the data.

Import the File from the Cost DB Module

  1. Click the Cost DB icon on the left menu.
  2. Navigate to the Equipment Items row in the Cost Database Stats section.
  3. Click the Actions button on the far right.
  4. Click Import From Excel option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Select Excel File button to select the Microsoft Excel import file.
  6. After selecting the file, the data will be imported automatically.

Import the File from the Equipment Module

  1. Click the Equipment icon on the left menu.
  2. Navigate to the Equipment Items row in the Equipment Stats section.
  3. Click the Actions button on the far right.
  4. Click Import From Excel option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Select Excel File button to select the Microsoft Excel import file.
  6. After selecting the file, the data will be imported automatically.

Microsoft Excel Import Sample


Equipment Item Fields(1st Row):

Column Name Required (*) Field Type Comments
Code * Text Maximum Characters: 25
Description * Text Maximum Characters: 255
Manufacturer Text
Model Text
ModelYear Number
SerialNum Text
Body Text
GrossWeight Text
Capacity Text
TypeFuel Text
Cylinders Integer Example 4, 6
Tires Integer Example # of Tires: 2, 4
WorkHrs Number Examples: 8, 9, 10
RunTimeBaseCostRate * Number
RunTimeBurdenCostRate * Number
RunTimeBillRate * Number
IdleTimeCostRate Number
IdleTimeBillRate Number
DownTimeCostRate Number
DownTimeBillRate Number
DailyRentalRate Number
WeeklyRentalRate Number
MonthlyRentalRate Number
PurchasePONum Text
PurchaseDate Date

Recommended date format: DD-MMM-YYYY (example: 15-Oct-2023)

US supported format: MM-DD-YYYY (example: 10/15/2023)

ISO supported format: YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2023-10-15)

DeliveryDate Date

Recommended date format: DD-MMM-YYYY (example: 15-Oct-2023)

US supported format: MM-DD-YYYY (example: 10/15/2023)

ISO supported format: YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2023-10-15)

PurchasePrice Number
PurchaseFreight Number
PurchaseTax Number
PurchaseTotal Number
PurchaseBookValue Number
PurchaseComments Text
TypeClassificationTitle and Division, Major, Minor, Subminor Text Examples:

CSI 95: CSI 95Division, CSI 95Major, CSI 95Minor, CSI 95Subminor

CSI 2004: CSI 2004Division, CSI 2004Major, CSI 2004Minor, CSI 2004Subminor

Multiple Classification Structures could be referenced on the spreadsheet.