Importing An Estimate From Microsoft Excel

Prepare The Microsoft Excel Import File

  1. Open a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or download the sample file referenced below.
  2. The first row (column names) should be labeled as shown in the table. Be sure to include the required fields. Field names do not contain any spacing within the word or before and after.
  3. Insert data starting at Row 2.
  4. Unit of measures (SpreadsheetColumns: Unit, MatlUnit, LbrUnit, EqpUnit, SubUnit, OtherUnit) must be 10 characters or less.
  5. Make sure the sheet name that contains the data is labeled Sheet1.
  6. Save the file in Excel 97-2003 format (*.xls).
  7. Close the file otherwise Sage Construction Management can not import the data.

Important Things To Know

  • All unit fields should be 10 characters or less.
  • All conversion, waste and rate fields can not be blank. Typical, default values are as follows.
    • Conversion = 1.0
    • Waste = 0.0
    • Cost and Sell Rates = 0.00
  • All cost and sell rate fields should be formatted as a number not currency.

Import Options

Microsoft Excel Import Samples

Estimate Fields(1st Row):

Column Name Required (*) Field Type Comments
Cost Code Sections
CostCodeOrderNumber Number
CostCode * Text
CostCodeDescription * Text
CostCodeQuantity * Number Make sure the spreadsheet numbering format doesn't have any special characters, e.g. parenthesis, etc. In addition, negative numbers should be listed as -100, not (100).
CostCodeUnit * Text Example: LS Units must be 10 characters or less.
Cost Code Internal Grouping Fields
CostCodeDiv Text
CostCodeDivDesc Text
CostCodeMaj Text
CostCodeMajDesc Text
CostCodeMin Text
CostCodeMinDesc Text
CostCodeSubMin Text
CostCodeSubMinDesc Text
Location Fields
LocationDiv Text
LocationMaj Text
Item Description and Quantity Fields
Number * Number Number field (1,2,3,4) will be used as the Item Sort Number. Numbers can be repeated such as the case where the first item in each section will start out with 1.
Code Text Optional: Sage Construction Management will do a lookup on the Work Items table based on the Code field. If an item exists then the Work Item's total cost and sell rate can be used to set the Estimate Item's unit rates respectively.
Description * Text
Quantity * Number Quantity can be an integer (i.e. 1, 5, 10) or real value (1.2500, 2.5).
Unit * Text Units must be 10 characters or less.
AllowanceItem Text Options: Yes or No
Manufacturer's Information
Manufacturer Text
UPC Text Universal Part Code
CatalogNum Text Manufacturer's Catalog #
Size Text Overall size or dimensions
ShipWeight Text Shipping Weight
ShipHeight Text Shipping Height Dimension
ShipWidth Text Shipping Width Dimension
ShipDepth Text Shipping Depth Dimension
Material Fields
MatlConv Number If the Material Cost Rate (MatlCostRate) is specified in the spreadsheet, it is recommended to include the columns: MatlConv, MatlWaste, and MatlUnits.

MatlUnit must be 10 characters or less.

MatlWaste Example: 10% would be entered as 10 in the spreadsheet cell.
MatlWaste Number
MatlUnit Text
MatlCostRate Number
MatlSellRate Number
Labor Fields
LbrConv Number If Labor Cost Rates (LbrBaseCostRate or LbrBurdenCostRate) are specified in the spreadsheet, it is recommended to include the columns: LbrConv and LbrUnits.

If hours, days, weeks, or months is used for the LbrUnits column, Sage Construction Management will automatically calculate the correct man-hours for the line item.
Quantity = 24
LbrConv = 0.5
LbrQty = Quantity * LbrConv = 24 * 0.5 = 12

LbrUnit must be 10 characters or less.

If LbrUnit = Hours or Hrs then Est. Item's Man Hours = 12
If LbrUnit = Days or Day then Est. Item's Man Hours = 12 * 8 = 96
If LbrUnit = Weeks or Week then Est. Item's Man Hours = 12 * 40 = 480
LbrUnit Text
LbrBaseCostRate Number
LbrBurdenCostRate Number
LbrSellRate Number
Equipment Fields
EqpConv Number If Equipment Cost Rates (EqpBaseCostRate or EqpBurdenCostRate) are specified in the spreadsheet, it is recommended to include the columns: EqpConv and EqpUnits.

EqpUnit must be 10 characters or less.

If hours, days, weeks, or months is used for the EqpUnits column, Sage Construction Management will automatically calculate the correct equipment hours for the line item. This is similar to the labor example shown above.
EqpUnit Text
EqpBaseCostRate Number
EqpBurdenCostRate Number
EqpSellRate Number
Subcontractor Fields
SubConv Number If the Sub Cost Rate (SubCostRate) is specified in the spreadsheet, it is recommended to include the columns: SubConv and SubUnits.

SubUnit must be 10 characters or less.
SubUnit Text
SubCostRate Number
SubSellRate Number
Other Fields
OtherConv Number If the Other Cost Rate (OtherCostRate) is specified in the spreadsheet, it is recommended to include the columns: OtherConv and OtherUnits.

OtherUnit must be 10 characters or less.
OtherUnit Text
OtherCostRate Number
OtherSellRate Number
Comment Fields
ItemComments Text
ItemProposalComments Text
ItemRFPComments Text

Special Instructions for Sell Rates

If the sell rate matches the cost rate or sell rate column is missing then the resource markup type will be set to "Same as Cost". If the sell rate is listed but doesn't match the cost rate then resource markup type will be set to "Manual".