Import Anticipated Costs Into Contract Admin or Procurement Transactions

Prerequisite For Importing Anticipated Cost Items

  • "Target" Procurement transaction must be saved.
  • Job Cost Codes must exist for the project.

Import Data Entry Steps

  1. Click the 'Add / Import Items' drop-down shown above and to the right of the transaction items grid. For RFP Packages, the 'Add / Import Items' drop-down is shown above the Bidders list.
  2. Click 'Import Anticipated Costs' option in the drop-down. This will refresh the page.
  3. Optional: Enter text in the search field to filter the Anticipated Costs listing. The search box will be shown only if there are more than ten (10) items.
  4. Select the Anticipated Costs in the list by clicking the checkbox.
  5. Optional: Over-ride the default item quantity.
  6. Click the 'Add' or 'Add and Close' button.