Import Anticipated Costs Into Contract Admin or Procurement Transactions
Prerequisite For Importing Anticipated Cost Items
- "Target" Procurement transaction must be saved.
- Job Cost Codes must exist for the project.
Import Data Entry Steps
- Click the 'Add / Import Items' drop-down shown above and to the right of the transaction items grid. For RFP Packages, the 'Add / Import Items' drop-down is shown above the Bidders list.
- Click 'Import Anticipated Costs' option in the drop-down. This will refresh the page.
- Optional: Enter text in the search field to filter the Anticipated Costs listing. The search box will be shown only if there are more than ten (10) items.
- Select the Anticipated Costs in the list by clicking the checkbox.
- Optional: Over-ride the default item quantity.
- Click the 'Add' or 'Add and Close' button.