Procurement RFP Package - Vendor Bid Analysis
- With the Procurement RFP Package details form open, scroll down to the Bidders list section.
- Click the 'Bid Analysis' button shown above the grid.
- Optional: Review Bidders Ranked By Total Bid.
- Optional: Review Lowest Bidders By Item.
- Optional: Review Bidder Items.
- Optional: Review Checklist Items.
Selecting Winning Bids
- Within the Bid Analysis form, navigate to the Bidder Items section shown at the bottom.
- Items will appear in the grid with vendor pricing shown on the right.
- Select the lowest bidder using the following options.
- Manually: Individually select lowest item by clicking the Awarded checkbox for the appropriate vendor and item.
- Select Lowest Item Unit Price (blue button shown in footer): Vendor pricing for each item will be analyzed on an individual basis.
- Select Lowest Bidder Overall (blue button shown in footer): The vendor with the overall lowest price across all items will be selected. Vendor pricing with zero (0) rate will not be included.
- Click the 'Actions' drop-down in the footer.
- Click one of the options below.
- Set Awarded Only: Vendor is tagged as winner but item pricing does not change.
- Set Awarded and Reset M Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Material (M) Cost Rate field.
- Set Awarded and Reset L Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Labor (L) Base Cost Rate field.
- Set Awarded and Reset E Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Equipment (E) Base Cost Rate field.
- Set Awarded and Reset S Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Sub (S) Cost Rate field.
- Set Awarded and Reset O Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Other (O) Cost Rate field.
Removing Awarded Bidder Selections
- Within the Bid Analysis form, navigate to the footer section.
- Click the 'Reset' button.
- Click the 'Actions' drop-down in the footer.
- Click the 'Set Awarded Only' option in the drop-down.
Optional: Locking Bids
After pricing has been submitted and analysis completed, locking the bids is highly recommended. This will prevent vendors from changing their price within the TeamLink portal.