Procurement RFP Package - Vendor Bid Analysis

  1. With the Procurement RFP Package details form open, scroll down to the Bidders list section.
  2. Click the 'Bid Analysis' button shown above the grid.
  3. Optional: Review Bidders Ranked By Total Bid.
  4. Optional: Review Lowest Bidders By Item.
  5. Optional: Review Bidder Items.
  6. Optional: Review Checklist Items.

Selecting Winning Bids

  1. Within the Bid Analysis form, navigate to the Bidder Items section shown at the bottom.
  2. Items will appear in the grid with vendor pricing shown on the right.
  3. Select the lowest bidder using the following options.
    • Manually: Individually select lowest item by clicking the Awarded checkbox for the appropriate vendor and item.
    • Select Lowest Item Unit Price (blue button shown in footer): Vendor pricing for each item will be analyzed on an individual basis.
    • Select Lowest Bidder Overall (blue button shown in footer): The vendor with the overall lowest price across all items will be selected. Vendor pricing with zero (0) rate will not be included.
  4. Click the 'Actions' drop-down in the footer.
  5. Click one of the options below.
    • Set Awarded Only: Vendor is tagged as winner but item pricing does not change.
    • Set Awarded and Reset M Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Material (M) Cost Rate field.
    • Set Awarded and Reset L Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Labor (L) Base Cost Rate field.
    • Set Awarded and Reset E Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Equipment (E) Base Cost Rate field.
    • Set Awarded and Reset S Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Sub (S) Cost Rate field.
    • Set Awarded and Reset O Cost: Vendor is tagged as winner and price is copied to the Item's Other (O) Cost Rate field.

Removing Awarded Bidder Selections

  1. Within the Bid Analysis form, navigate to the footer section.
  2. Click the 'Reset' button.
  3. Click the 'Actions' drop-down in the footer.
  4. Click the 'Set Awarded Only' option in the drop-down.

Optional: Locking Bids

After pricing has been submitted and analysis completed, locking the bids is highly recommended. This will prevent vendors from changing their price within the TeamLink portal.