Adding Punchlist Items Manually

Step 1 - Enter or Select Inspection Date and Inspectors

  1. Click the 'Projects' icon on the left menu.
  2. Select the Project in the 'Quick Select' section. This will then refresh the page and show the 'Current Project Home' page.
  3. On the 'Quick Links' tab, click the 'Quality Control (QC) and Safety' link under the 'Project Management and Field Staff' section. This will refresh the page and show the 'QC and Safety Module Landing Page'.
  4. Navigate to the Punchlist Items row in the 'QC Stats' section.
  5. Click the 'Actions' button on the far right.
  6. Click 'Add Manually' option from the drop-down menu.
  7. In the data entry form, the Project # should be selected already but can be changed.
  8. Select one of the three choices below.
    • Option A - Do Not Enter Inspection Date
    • Option B - Select an Existing Inspection Date and Inspectors
      1. Select an Inspection Date from the drop-down.
    • Option C - Enter New Inspection Date and Inspectors
      1. Enter the Inspection Date
      2. Select one or more Inspectors (Company and Contact). The Company drop-down will list firms in the Project Directory.
  9. Click 'Add and Next' button. Click 'Skip' if Option A is chosen.

Step 2 - Add Punchlist Items

  1. Select the Default Location for Punchlist Items that will be added in this step.
  2. Optional:
    • Select the Default Responsible Company. Typically, this is the firm who will be fixing the non-compliance item.
    • Select the Default Responsible Contact. Specifying a contact is recommended especially when emailing open punchlist items.
    • Select the Default Due Date.
  3. The Punchlist Item # is auto-generated but can be modified.
  4. Enter the Item Description.
  5. Optional: Enter the Responsible Company, Contact and Due Date. Defaults are coming from selections shown above the grid.
  6. Optional: Select a corresponding file such as an image that illustrates the problem.
  7. Click 'Add and New' button if additional items need to be entered but for a different Location otherwise click 'Add and Finish'.