Add Dashboard Widget - Pivot Grid

  1. Drag the Pivot Grid widget in the left panel to the Dashboard Canvas.

  2. Select the Pivot Grid widget and click the Properties icon on the far right. The Widget Name can be changed later after selecting the data fields. See next steps.

  3. Click the Assign Data tab and select the API Data Source that was manually added to the Dashboard. Example: Sage Construction ManagementAPI_CostResource

  4. Drag fields listed in the Measures section to the Pivot Grid's Value fields listing. Example: CostToDate_Approved_Total.

  5. Drag fields listed in the Dimensions section to the Pivot Grid's Row and Column fields listing (see image above). Example Row Fields: ProjectNumber and PrimeContractNumber. Example Column Field: JobCostCode
  6. Optional: Change the math function (ex. Sum) and format (ex. decimal places) for number or currency fields referenced in the Values section. Note: Sum is the most common math function used in dashboards.

  7. Optional but recommended: Change the field names in all three sections (ex. Values, Rows, Columns) so they are shorter and more legible.

  8. Adjust the Width and Height of the Pivot Grid as needed.

  9. Click the Properties icon again to rename the widget and adjust other attributes. See images below for details.

See Also