Add Dashboard Widget - Pivot Grid
- Drag the Pivot Grid widget in the left panel to the Dashboard Canvas.
- Select the Pivot Grid widget and click the Properties icon on the far right. The Widget Name can be changed later after selecting the data fields. See next steps.
- Click the Assign Data tab and select the API Data Source that was manually added to the Dashboard. Example: Sage Construction ManagementAPI_CostResource
- Drag fields listed in the Measures section to the Pivot Grid's Value fields listing. Example: CostToDate_Approved_Total.
- Drag fields listed in the Dimensions section to the Pivot Grid's Row and Column fields listing (see image above). Example Row Fields: ProjectNumber and PrimeContractNumber. Example Column Field: JobCostCode
- Optional: Change the math function (ex. Sum) and format (ex. decimal places) for number or currency fields referenced in the Values section. Note: Sum is the most common math
function used in dashboards.
- Optional but recommended: Change the field names in all three sections (ex. Values, Rows, Columns) so they are shorter and more legible.
- Adjust the Width and Height of the Pivot Grid as needed.
- Click the Properties icon again to rename the widget and adjust other attributes. See images below for details.