Microsoft Word Template - Prime Contract Allowance Package
Default Templates
Default Word Document:
Upload Feature Category: Allowance Package
Important Things To Know Regarding Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields
- All Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields are optional.
- Bookmarks can be repeated with no limit on the number of times. Examples:
- CompanyName, CompanyName2, CompanyName3, .., CompanyName10, .., CompanyName20, .., CompanyNameX
- ProjectNumber, ProjectNumber2, ProjectNumber3, .., ProjectNumber10, .., ProjectNumber20, .., ProjectNumberX
Bookmarks - General Project Information
- ProjectNumber
- ProjectTitle
- ProjectDescription
- ProjectAddress1
- ProjectAddress2
- ProjectCity
- ProjectState
- ProjectZipCode
- ProjectCountry
- ProjectPhone
- ProjectFax
Bookmarks - Project Bid Date, Plan Room Info, Estimated Dates, and Stakeholders
- ProjectOwnerBidDate
- ProjectOwnerBidTime
- ProjectPlanRoomInfo
- ProjectStartDate
- ProjectFinishDate
- ProjectSalesPerson
- ProjectSalesPersonMobilePhone
- ProjectSalesPersonEmailAddress
- ProjectBidContact
- ProjectBidContactMobilePhone
- ProjectBidContactEmailAddress
- ProjectManager
- ProjectManagerMobilePhone
- ProjectManagerEmailAddress
Bookmarks and Mail Merge Table Options - Project Classifications
Click here for options.
Bookmarks - Prime Contract Number, Type, Subject, and Scope
- PrimeContractNumber
- PrimeContractType
- PrimeContractWorkSubject
- PrimeContractWorkScope
- PrimeContractInclusions
- PrimeContractExclusions
- PrimeContractClarifications
- PrimeContractOwnerPORef
Bookmarks - Prime Contract Specific Address
- PrimeContractAddress1
- PrimeContractAddress2
- PrimeContractCity
- PrimeContractState
- PrimeContractZipCode
- PrimeContractCountry
- PrimeContractPhone
- PrimeContractFax
Bookmarks - Prime Contract Status and Dates
- PrimeContractIssueDate
- PrimeContractIssueDateSpelled
- PrimeContractStatus
- PrimeContractSignedDate
- PrimeContractSignedDateSpelled
- PrimeContractNTPDate
- PrimeContractEstStartDate
- PrimeContractEstSubstantialCompletion
- PrimeContractEstFinishDate
Bookmarks - Prime Contract Retainage Percentages, Original Contract Amounts, Damages|Incentives Per Day
- PrimeContractWorkRetainagePercent
- PrimeContractMaterialRetainagePercent
- PrimeContractSubtotal
- PrimeContractSubtotalSpelled
- PrimeContractTaxTotal
- PrimeContractTaxTotalSpelled
- PrimeContractTotal
- PrimeContractTotalSpelled
- PrimeContractGMP
- PrimeContractLiquidDamagesPerDay
- PrimeContractIncentivePerDay
Bookmarks - General Allowance Package Information
- AllowancePkgIssueDate
- AllowancePkgNumber
- AllowancePkgSubject
- AllowancePkgFollowUpDate
- AllowancePkgRequiredCompletionDate
- AllowancePkgActualCompletionDate
Bookmarks - Allowance Package - Issued By (Prime Company | Contractor)
- IssuedByPrefix
- IssuedByFirstName
- IssuedByMiddleName
- IssuedByLastName
- IssuedBySuffix
- IssuedByContact
- IssuedByTitle
- IssuedByMobilePhone
- IssuedByEmail
- IssuedByCompanyCode
- IssuedByCompany
- IssuedByAddress1
- IssuedByAddress2
- IssuedByCity
- IssuedByState
- IssuedByZipCode
- IssuedByCountry
- IssuedByPhone
- IssuedByPhone2
- IssuedByFax
- IssuedByWebsite
- IssuedByGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- IssuedByE_Signature
- IssuedByE_SignatureDate
- IssuedByE_Initial
Bookmarks - Allowance Package - Reviewed By (Owner | Client Deciding On Selection Options)
- ReviewedByPrefix
- ReviewedByFirstName
- ReviewedByMiddleName
- ReviewedByLastName
- ReviewedBySuffix
- ReviewedByContact
- ReviewedByTitle
- ReviewedByMobilePhone
- ReviewedByEmail
- ReviewedByCompanyCode
- ReviewedByCompany
- ReviewedByAddress1
- ReviewedByAddress2
- ReviewedByCity
- ReviewedByState
- ReviewedByZipCode
- ReviewedByCountry
- ReviewedByPhone
- ReviewedByPhone2
- ReviewedByFax
- ReviewedByWebsite
- ReviewedByGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ReviewedByE_Signature
- ReviewedByE_SignatureDate
- ReviewedByE_Initial
Bookmarks - Architect Referenced on Prime Contract
- ArchitectPrefix
- ArchitectFirstName
- ArchitectMiddleName
- ArchitectLastName
- ArchitectSuffix
- ArchitectContact
- ArchitectTitle
- ArchitectMobilePhone
- ArchitectEmail
- ArchitectCompanyCode
- ArchitectCompany
- ArchitectAddress1
- ArchitectAddress2
- ArchitectCity
- ArchitectState
- ArchitectZipCode
- ArchitectCountry
- ArchitectPhone
- ArchitectPhone2
- ArchitectFax
- ArchitectWebsite
- ArchitectGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ArchitectE_Signature
- ArchitectE_SignatureDate
- ArchitectE_Initial
Bookmarks - Allowance Package Items Summary and Budget Information
- ItemsCount
- ItemsSubtotal
- ItemsTax
- ItemsTotal
- ItemsContractSubtotalLessCostBudget
- ItemsCostBudgetMatlTotal
- ItemsCostBudgetLbrTotal
- ItemsCostBudgetEqpTotal
- ItemsCostBudgetSubTotal
- ItemsCostBudgetOtherTotal
- ItemsCostBudgetTotal
Bookmarks - Allowance Package Selection Options Summary and Budget Variance Information
- SelectedCount
- SelectedSubtotal
- SelectedContractSubtotalLessCostBudget
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetMatlTotal
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetLbrTotal
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetEqpTotal
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetSubTotal
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetOtherTotal
- SelectedOptionsCostBudgetTotal
- SelectedImpactContractSubtotal
- SelectedImpactCostBudgetTotal
Mail Merge Fields - Allowance Package Items and Selection Options
Merge Table Start and End Tags: AllowanceItems
- ItemNumber
- ItemDescription
- ItemUPC
- ItemManufacturer
- ItemManufacturerPartNumber
- ItemUnit
- ItemQuantity
- ItemUnitPrice
- ItemSubtotal
- ItemTaxTotal
- ItemTotal
- ItemContractSubtotalMinusCostBudget
- ItemCostCode
- ItemTaxCode
- ItemCostBudgetMatlTotal
- ItemCostBudgetLbrTotal
- ItemCostBudgetEqpTotal
- ItemCostBudgetSubTotal
- ItemCostBudgetOtherTotal
- ItemCostBudgetTotal
- SelectedOptionNumber
- SelectedOptionDescription
- SelectedOptionUPC
- SelectedOptionManufacturer
- SelectedOptionManufacturerPartNumber
- SelectedOptionUnit
- SelectedOptionQuantity
- SelectedOptionUnitPrice
- SelectedOptionSubtotal
- SelectedOptionContractSubtotalMinusCostBudget
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetMatlTotal
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetLbrTotal
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetEqpTotal
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetSubTotal
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetOtherTotal
- SelectedOptionCostBudgetTotal
- SelectedOptionImpactContractSubtotal
- SelectedOptionImpactCostBudgetTotal
- RefCONumber
- RefCOItemNumber
- Selection Option Items:
- Mail Merge Sub-Table Start and End Tags: SelectionOptions
- Mail Merge Sub-Table Fields:
- OptionNumber
- OptionDescription
- OptionUPC
- OptionManufacturer
- OptionManufacturerPartNumber
- OptionUnit
- OptionQuantity
- OptionUnitPrice
- OptionSubtotal
- OptionContractSubtotalMinusCostBudget
- OptionSelected Note:Yes or No Result
- OptionCostBudgetMatlTotal
- OptionCostBudgetLbrTotal
- OptionCostBudgetEqpTotal
- OptionCostBudgetSubTotal
- OptionCostBudgetOtherTotal
- OptionCostBudgetTotal
Mail Merge Table - Linked Documents and Images
Only linked files and images that have grant access checked will be shown in the report.
Linked Documents Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedDocuments
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
Linked Images Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedImages
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
- DocumentImage
Example Microsoft Word Template Showing Both Mail Merge Table Options