Microsoft Word Template - Prime Contract Change Order (CO) - Proposed Items Summed by Owner Cost Code
Mail Merge Table and Fields
Merge Table Start and End Tags: COItemsSummary
- OwnerOrderNumber
- OwnerCode
- OwnerDescription
- OwnerSubtotal
- OwnerTaxTotal
- OwnerTotal
Cost Rate and Totals do not include markups such as profit or fee. Thus, they are usually not shown on the proposal.
- OwnerMatlCostTotal
- OwnerLbrBaseCostTotal
- OwnerLbrBurdenCostTotal
- OwnerLbrCostTotal
- OwnerEqpBaseCostTotal
- OwnerEqpBurdenCostTotal
- OwnerEqpCostTotal
- OwnerSubCostTotal
- OwnerOtherCostTotal
- OwnerCostTotal