Microsoft Word Template - Prime Contract Change Proposal Request (CPR) - Proposed Items Listed By Item #
Mail Merge Table and Fields
Merge Table Start and End Tags: CPRDetails
- ItemNumber
- ItemCode
- ItemUPC
- ItemManufacturer
- ItemManufacturerPartNumber
- ItemDescription
- ItemUnit
- ItemQuantity
- ItemCostCode
- ItemTaxCode
- ItemUnitPrice
- ItemSubtotal
- ItemTaxTotal
- ItemTotal
Cost Rate and Totals do not include markups such as profit or fee. Thus, they are usually not shown on the proposal.
- ItemMatlCostRate
- ItemMatlCostTotal
- ItemLbrBaseCostRate
- ItemLbrBurdenCostRate
- ItemLbrBaseCostTotal
- ItemLbrBurdenCostTotal
- ItemLbrCostTotal
- ItemEqpBaseCostRate
- ItemEqpBurdenCostRate
- ItemEqpBaseCostTotal
- ItemEqpBurdenCostTotal
- ItemEqpCostTotal
- ItemSubCostRate
- ItemSubCostTotal
- ItemOtherCostRate
- ItemOtherCostTotal
- ItemCostRate
- ItemCostTotal