Microsoft Word Template - Prime Contract Invoice - Cost Plus - Details Grouped By Job Cost Code
Default Templates:
- Cost Plus Without GMP:
- Cost Plus With GMP:
- Included in zip file but not used:
Upload Feature Category: Prime Invoice - Cost Plus - Items Grouped By Job Cost Code
Important Things To Know Regarding Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields
- All Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields are optional.
- Bookmarks can be repeated with no limit on the number of times. Examples:
- CompanyName, CompanyName2, CompanyName3, .., CompanyName10, .., CompanyName20, .., CompanyNameX
- ProjectNumber, ProjectNumber2, ProjectNumber3, .., ProjectNumber10, .., ProjectNumber20, .., ProjectNumberX
Bookmarks - General Project Information
- ProjectNumber
- ProjectTitle
- ProjectDescription
- ProjectAddress1
- ProjectAddress2
- ProjectCity
- ProjectState
- ProjectZipCode
- ProjectCountry
- ProjectPhone
- ProjectFax
Bookmarks - Project Bid Date, Plan Room Info, Estimated Dates, and Stakeholders
- ProjectOwnerBidDate
- ProjectOwnerBidTime
- ProjectPlanRoomInfo
- ProjectStartDate
- ProjectFinishDate
- ProjectSalesPerson
- ProjectSalesPersonMobilePhone
- ProjectSalesPersonEmailAddress
- ProjectBidContact
- ProjectBidContactMobilePhone
- ProjectBidContactEmailAddress
- ProjectManager
- ProjectManagerMobilePhone
- ProjectManagerEmailAddress
Bookmarks and Mail Merge Table Options - Project Classifications
Click here for options.
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Number, Type, Subject, and Scope
- PrimeContractNumber
- PrimeContractType
- PrimeContractWorkSubject
- PrimeContractWorkScope
- PrimeContractInclusions
- PrimeContractExclusions
- PrimeContractClarifications
- PrimeContractOwnerPORef
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Status and Dates
- PrimeContractIssueDate
- PrimeContractIssueDateSpelled
- PrimeContractStatus
- PrimeContractSignedDate
- PrimeContractSignedDateSpelled
- PrimeContractNTPDate
- PrimeContractEstStartDate
- PrimeContractEstSubstantialCompletion
- PrimeContractEstFinishDate
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Specific Address
- PrimeContractAddress1
- PrimeContractAddress2
- PrimeContractCity
- PrimeContractState
- PrimeContractZipCode
- PrimeContractCountry
- PrimeContractPhone
- PrimeContractFax
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Referenced Architect
- ArchitectPrefix
- ArchitectFirstName
- ArchitectMiddleName
- ArchitectLastName
- ArchitectSuffix
- ArchitectContact
- ArchitectTitle
- ArchitectMobilePhone
- ArchitectEmail
- ArchitectCompanyCode
- ArchitectCompany
- ArchitectAddress1
- ArchitectAddress2
- ArchitectCity
- ArchitectState
- ArchitectZipCode
- ArchitectCountry
- ArchitectPhone
- ArchitectPhone2
- ArchitectFax
- ArchitectWebsite
- ArchitectGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ArchitectE_Signature
- ArchitectE_SignatureDate
- ArchitectE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - From Company/Contact (Prime Company aka Contractor)
- FromPrefix
- FromFirstName
- FromMiddleName
- FromLastName
- FromSuffix
- FromContact
- FromTitle
- FromMobilePhone
- FromEmail
- FromCompanyCode
- FromCompany
- FromAddress1
- FromAddress2
- FromCity
- FromState
- FromZipCode
- FromCountry
- FromPhone
- FromPhone2
- FromFax
- FromWebsite
- FromGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- FromE_Signature
- FromE_SignatureDate
- FromE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - To Company/Contact (Client)
- ToPrefix
- ToFirstName
- ToMiddleName
- ToLastName
- ToSuffix
- ToContact
- ToTitle
- ToMobilePhone
- ToEmail
- ToCompanyCode
- ToCompany
- ToAddress1
- ToAddress2
- ToCity
- ToState
- ToZipCode
- ToCountry
- ToPhone
- ToPhone2
- ToFax
- ToWebsite
- ToGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ToE_Signature
- ToE_SignatureDate
- ToE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Number, Dates, Terms, Comments
- PrimeInvNumber
- PrimeInvOrderNumber
- PrimeInvDate
- PrimeInvDateSpelled
- PrimeInvPaymentDueDate
- PrimeInvPaymentDueDateSpelled
- PrimeInvTerms
- PrimeInvPrintComments
- PrimeInvInternalComments
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Gross Values - Current Work Completed
Bookmarks listed below do not include Retainage and Taxation.
- PrimeInvCurrentTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentTotalSpelled
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Retainage Percentages
- PrimeInvWorkRetainagePercent
- PrimeInvMaterialRetainagePercent (Only applicable for Fixed Lump Sum Invoices)
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Retainage - Previous, Current, and Total
- PrimeInvPreviousRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentRetainTotal
- PrimeInvRetainTotal (Includes Billed Retainage)
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Billed Retainage - Previous, Current, and Total
- PrimeInvPreviousBilledRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentBilledRetainTotal
- PrimeInvBilledRetainTotal
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Previous Net Values and Balance To Complete
- PrimeInvPreviousLessRetainSubtotal
- PrimeInvPreviousLessRetainTaxTotal
- PrimeInvPreviousLessRetainTotal
- PrimeInvPreviousBalanceToFinishSubtotal (includes Retainage)
- PrimeInvPreviousBalanceToFinishTaxTotal
- PrimeInvPreviousBalanceToFinishTotal
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Current Net Values and Balance To Complete
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotalSpelled
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotalSpelled
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTotalSpelled
Applicable to Fixed Lump Sum and Cost Plus With GMP invoices only.
- PrimeInvPercentComplete
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishSOVGrossSubtotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishCOsGrossSubtotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishGrossSubtotal (PrimeInvRevisedContractSubtotal - PrimeInvTotal)
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishSubtotal (PrimeInvRevisedContractSubtotal - (PrimeInvTotal - PrimeInvRetainTotal))
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishTaxTotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishTotal
- PrimeInvLessRetainSubtotal (PrimeInvPreviousLessRetainSubtotal + PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotal)
- PrimeInvLessRetainTaxTotal
- PrimeInvLessRetainTotal
Bookmarks - Breakdown of PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotal Per Tax Code
Click here for details.
Mail Merge Table - Linked Documents and Images
Only linked files and images that have grant access checked will be shown in the report.
Linked Documents Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedDocuments
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
Linked Images Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedImages
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
- DocumentImage
Example Microsoft Word Template Showing Both Mail Merge Table Options
Mail Merge Fields - Job Cost Codes and Invoice Details
Merge Table Start and End Tags: PrimeInvItemsGrouped
Job Cost Code Grouping Fields:
- JCCID (Hidden | Required for populating corresponding items.)
- JCCOrderNumber
- JCCCode
- JCCDescription
- JCCTotal
- JCCRetainage
- JCCLessRetainageSubtotal
- JCCLessRetainageTaxTotal
- JCCLessRetainageTotal
- Invoice Item Details:
- Mail Merge Sub-Table Start and End Tags: PrimeInvItems
- Mail Merge Sub-Table Fields:
- ItemNumber
- ItemCode
- ItemDescription
- ItemReference
- ItemManufacturer
- ItemManufacturerPartNumber
- ItemUPC
- ItemUnit
- ItemQuantity
- ItemUnitPrice
- ItemRetainage
- ItemLessRetainageSubtotal
- ItemLessRetainageTaxTotal
- ItemLessRetainageTotal
- ItemTotal
- ItemOriginalValue
- ItemTaxCode
- ItemCostCode
- ItemCostCodeDesc
- ItemCostCodeDiv
- ItemCostCodeDivDesc
- ItemOwnerCostCode