Microsoft Word Template - Prime Contract Invoice - Unit Price - Item Details Summed By Job Cost Code
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Upload Feature Category: Prime Invoice - Unit Price - Items Summed By Job Cost Code
Important Things To Know Regarding Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields
- All Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields are optional.
- Bookmarks can be repeated with no limit on the number of times. Examples:
- CompanyName, CompanyName2, CompanyName3, .., CompanyName10, .., CompanyName20, .., CompanyNameX
- ProjectNumber, ProjectNumber2, ProjectNumber3, .., ProjectNumber10, .., ProjectNumber20, .., ProjectNumberX
Bookmarks - General Project Information
- ProjectNumber
- ProjectTitle
- ProjectDescription
- ProjectAddress1
- ProjectAddress2
- ProjectCity
- ProjectState
- ProjectZipCode
- ProjectCountry
- ProjectPhone
- ProjectFax
Bookmarks - Project Bid Date, Plan Room Info, Estimated Dates, and Stakeholders
- ProjectOwnerBidDate
- ProjectOwnerBidTime
- ProjectPlanRoomInfo
- ProjectStartDate
- ProjectFinishDate
- ProjectSalesPerson
- ProjectSalesPersonMobilePhone
- ProjectSalesPersonEmailAddress
- ProjectBidContact
- ProjectBidContactMobilePhone
- ProjectBidContactEmailAddress
- ProjectManager
- ProjectManagerMobilePhone
- ProjectManagerEmailAddress
Bookmarks and Mail Merge Table Options - Project Classifications
Click here for options.
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Number, Type, Subject, and Scope
- PrimeContractNumber
- PrimeContractType
- PrimeContractWorkSubject
- PrimeContractWorkScope
- PrimeContractInclusions
- PrimeContractExclusions
- PrimeContractClarifications
- PrimeContractOwnerPORef
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Status and Dates
- PrimeContractIssueDate
- PrimeContractIssueDateSpelled
- PrimeContractStatus
- PrimeContractSignedDate
- PrimeContractSignedDateSpelled
- PrimeContractNTPDate
- PrimeContractEstStartDate
- PrimeContractEstSubstantialCompletion
- PrimeContractEstFinishDate
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Specific Address
- PrimeContractAddress1
- PrimeContractAddress2
- PrimeContractCity
- PrimeContractState
- PrimeContractZipCode
- PrimeContractCountry
- PrimeContractPhone
- PrimeContractFax
Bookmarks - Prime Contract - Referenced Architect
- ArchitectPrefix
- ArchitectFirstName
- ArchitectMiddleName
- ArchitectLastName
- ArchitectSuffix
- ArchitectContact
- ArchitectTitle
- ArchitectMobilePhone
- ArchitectEmail
- ArchitectCompanyCode
- ArchitectCompany
- ArchitectAddress1
- ArchitectAddress2
- ArchitectCity
- ArchitectState
- ArchitectZipCode
- ArchitectCountry
- ArchitectPhone
- ArchitectPhone2
- ArchitectFax
- ArchitectWebsite
- ArchitectGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ArchitectE_Signature
- ArchitectE_SignatureDate
- ArchitectE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - From Company/Contact (Prime Company | Contractor)
- FromPrefix
- FromFirstName
- FromMiddleName
- FromLastName
- FromSuffix
- FromContact
- FromTitle
- FromMobilePhone
- FromEmail
- FromCompanyCode
- FromCompany
- FromAddress1
- FromAddress2
- FromCity
- FromState
- FromZipCode
- FromCountry
- FromPhone
- FromPhone2
- FromFax
- FromWebsite
- FromGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- FromE_Signature
- FromE_SignatureDate
- FromE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - To Company/Contact (Owner | Client)
- ToPrefix
- ToFirstName
- ToMiddleName
- ToLastName
- ToSuffix
- ToContact
- ToTitle
- ToMobilePhone
- ToEmail
- ToCompanyCode
- ToCompany
- ToAddress1
- ToAddress2
- ToCity
- ToState
- ToZipCode
- ToCountry
- ToPhone
- ToPhone2
- ToFax
- ToWebsite
- ToGovTaxID
Special e-Sign Bookmark (Contract Admin and Procurement Templates Only):
Bookmarks listed below must use a white font so the e-Sign Tag is clearly visible and not obstructed.
- ToE_Signature
- ToE_SignatureDate
- ToE_Initial
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Number, Dates, Terms, Comments
- PrimeInvNumber
- PrimeInvOrderNumber
- PrimeInvDate
- PrimeInvDateSpelled
- PrimeInvPaymentDueDate
- PrimeInvPaymentDueDateSpelled
- PrimeInvTerms
- PrimeInvPrintComments
- PrimeInvInternalComments
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Previous and Current Change Orders
- PrimeInvPreviousCOSubtotal
- PrimeInvPreviousCOTaxTotal
- PrimeInvPreviousCOTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentCOSubtotal
- PrimeInvCurrentCOTaxTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentCOTotal
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Revised Contract Totals
- PrimeInvOriginalContractSubtotal
- PrimeInvOriginalContractTaxTotal
- PrimeInvOriginalContractTotal
- PrimeInvNetChangesSubtotal (PrimeInvPreviousCOSubtotal + PrimeInvCurrentCOSubtotal)
- PrimeInvNetChangesTaxTotal (PrimeInvPreviousCOTaxTotal + PrimeInvCurrentCOTaxTotal)
- PrimeInvNetChangesTotal (PrimeInvPreviousCOTotal + PrimeInvCurrentCOTotal)
- PrimeInvRevisedContractSubtotal
- PrimeInvRevisedContractTaxTotal
- PrimeInvRevisedContractTotal
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Gross Values - Current Work Completed
Bookmarks listed below do not include Retainage and Taxation.
- PrimeInvCurrentTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentTotalSpelled
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Retainage Percentages
- PrimeInvWorkRetainagePercent
- PrimeInvMaterialRetainagePercent (Only applicable for Fixed Lump Sum Invoices)
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Retainage - Previous, Current, and Total
- PrimeInvPreviousRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentRetainTotal
- PrimeInvRetainTotal (Includes Billed Retainage)
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Billed Retainage - Previous, Current, and Total
- PrimeInvPreviousBilledRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentBilledRetainTotal
- PrimeInvBilledRetainTotal
Bookmarks - Prime Invoice - Current Net Values
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotalSpelled
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotalSpelled
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTotal
- PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTotalSpelled
Applicable to Fixed Lump Sum and Cost Plus With GMP invoices only.
- PrimeInvPercentComplete
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishSOVGrossSubtotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishCOsGrossSubtotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishGrossSubtotal (PrimeInvRevisedContractSubtotal - PrimeInvTotal)
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishSubtotal (PrimeInvRevisedContractSubtotal - (PrimeInvTotal - PrimeInvRetainTotal))
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishTaxTotal
- PrimeInvBalanceToFinishTotal
- PrimeInvLessRetainSubtotal (PrimeInvPreviousLessRetainSubtotal + PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainSubtotal)
- PrimeInvLessRetainTaxTotal
- PrimeInvLessRetainTotal
Bookmarks - Breakdown of PrimeInvCurrentLessRetainTaxTotal Per Tax Code
Click here for details.
Mail Merge Table - Linked Documents and Images
Only linked files and images that have grant access checked will be shown in the report.
Linked Documents Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedDocuments
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
Linked Images Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedImages
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
- DocumentImage
Example Microsoft Word Template Showing Both Mail Merge Table Options
Mail Merge Fields - Job Cost Codes
Typically, a Job Cost Code would be created for every Unit Price Item referenced in the Prime Contract Unit Price Items table (aka Original Items) and "new" Unit Price items introduced via Change Orders. These Job Cost Codes can then be used to group and sum financials and quantities as shown below.
Merge Table Start and End Tags: PrimeInvItemsSummary
- JCCOrderNumber
- JCCCode
- JCCDescription
- JCCQuantity
- JCCUnit
The fields listed in the section below are a summary of Prime Contract Original Item and CO Item tables by Job Cost Code.
- RevisedContractItemUnitPrice
- RevisedContractItemEstimatedQuantity
- RevisedContractItemEstimatedValue (See note below)
- RevisedContractItemPreviousBilledQuantity
- RevisedContractItemCurrentBilledQuantity
- RevisedContractItemTotalBilledQuantity
- RevisedContractItemPreviousTotal
- RevisedContractItemCurrentTotal
- RevisedContractItemTotal
- RevisedContractItemPreviousTotalRetainage
- RevisedContractItemPreviousBilledRetainage
- RevisedContractItemCurrentTotalRetainage
- RevisedContractItemCurrentBilledRetainage
- RevisedContractItemTotalRetainage
- RevisedContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetain
- RevisedContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTax
- RevisedContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTotal
- RevisedContractItemPercentComplete
- RevisedContractItemBalance
RevisedContractItemEstimatedValue is the unit price documented in the Prime Contract or CO Item's table depending on where it was initially created.
Fields listed in the section below are Unit Price Items entered in the Prime Contract Unit Price table and summarized by Job Cost Code.
- PrimeContractItemUnit
- PrimeContractItemUnitPrice
- PrimeContractItemEstimatedQuantity
- PrimeContractItemEstimatedValue
- PrimeContractItemPreviousBilledQuantity
- PrimeContractItemCurrentBilledQuantity
- PrimeContractItemTotalBilledQuantity
- PrimeContractItemPreviousTotal
- PrimeContractItemCurrentTotal
- PrimeContractItemTotal
- PrimeContractItemCurrentRetainTotal
- PrimeContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetain
- PrimeContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTax
- PrimeContractItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTotal
- PrimeContractItemPercentComplete
- PrimeContractItemBalance
Fields listed in the section below are "new" Unit Price Items entered in the CO table and summarized by Job Cost Code.
- COItemUnit
- COItemUnitPrice
- COItemEstimatedQuantity
- COItemEstimatedValue
- COItemPreviousBilledQuantity
- COItemCurrentBilledQuantity
- COItemTotalBilledQuantity
- COItemPreviousTotal
- COItemCurrentTotal
- COItemTotal
- COItemCurrentRetainTotal
- COItemCurrentTotalLessRetain
- COItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTax
- COItemCurrentTotalLessRetainTotal
- COItemPercentComplete
- COItemBalance