Microsoft Word Template - Submittal - To Respondent - Response Request
This template is for sending the Submittal to each Respondent to get their comments or answer. If there is more than one recipient, additional pages will be created for each individual.
Default Template
Default Word Document:
Upload Feature Category: Submittal - To Respondent - Response Request
Important Things To Know Regarding Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields
- All Bookmarks and Mail Merge Fields are optional.
- Bookmarks can be repeated with no limit on the number of times. Examples:
- CompanyName, CompanyName2, CompanyName3, .., CompanyName10, .., CompanyName20, .., CompanyNameX
- ProjectNumber, ProjectNumber2, ProjectNumber3, .., ProjectNumber10, .., ProjectNumber20, .., ProjectNumberX
Bookmarks - General Project Information
- ProjectNumber
- ProjectTitle
- ProjectDescription
- ProjectAddress1
- ProjectAddress2
- ProjectCity
- ProjectState
- ProjectZipCode
- ProjectCountry
- ProjectPhone
- ProjectFax
Bookmarks - Project Bid Date, Plan Room Info, Estimated Dates, and Stakeholders
- ProjectOwnerBidDate
- ProjectOwnerBidTime
- ProjectPlanRoomInfo
- ProjectStartDate
- ProjectFinishDate
- ProjectSalesPerson
- ProjectSalesPersonMobilePhone
- ProjectSalesPersonEmailAddress
- ProjectBidContact
- ProjectBidContactMobilePhone
- ProjectBidContactEmailAddress
- ProjectManager
- ProjectManagerMobilePhone
- ProjectManagerEmailAddress
Bookmarks and Mail Merge Table Options - Project Classifications
Click here for options.
Bookmarks - Submittal - From Company/Contact (Coordinated By)
- FromPrefix
- FromFirstName
- FromMiddleName
- FromLastName
- FromSuffix
- FromContact
- FromTitle
- FromMobilePhone
- FromEmail
- FromCompanyCode
- FromCompany
- FromAddress1
- FromAddress2
- FromCity
- FromState
- FromZipCode
- FromCountry
- FromPhone
- FromPhone2
- FromFax
- FromWebsite
- FromGovTaxID
Bookmarks - Submittal - To Company/Contact (Respondent)
- ToPrefix
- ToFirstName
- ToMiddleName
- ToLastName
- ToSuffix
- ToContact
- ToTitle
- ToMobilePhone
- ToEmail
- ToCompanyCode
- ToCompany
- ToAddress1
- ToAddress2
- ToCity
- ToState
- ToZipCode
- ToCountry
- ToPhone
- ToPhone2
- ToFax
- ToWebsite
- ToGovTaxID
Bookmarks - Submittal - General Information
- SubmittalNumber
- SubmittalIssueDate
- SubmittalType
- SubmittalSubject
- SubmittalDescription
- SubmittalResponseDueDate
Mail Merge Table - Submittal - Items
Merge Table Start and End Tags: SubmittalItems
- ItemNumber
- ItemCode
- ItemUPC
- ItemManufacturer
- ItemManufacturerPartNumber
- ItemDescription
- ItemQuantity
- ItemUnit
- ItemDueDate
- ItemRefPrimeContract
- ItemRefCO
- ItemRefSubcontract
- ItemRefSCO
- ItemRefDrawing
- ItemRefLocation
- ItemRefSpecSection
- ItemRefOther
Mail Merge Table - Linked Documents and Images
Only linked files and images that have grant access checked will be shown in the report.
Linked Documents Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedDocuments
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
Linked Images Listing
Merge Table Start and End Tags: LinkedImages
Merge Fields:
- DocumentName
- DocumentDescription
- DocumentUploadedBy
- DocumentUploadDate
- DocumentImage
Example Microsoft Word Template Showing Both Mail Merge Table Options