Microsoft Word Functions - Inserting a Mail Merge Field

Microsoft Word - Instructions

  1. Review the list of available mail merge fields for the template in the help system.
  2. Open the Template in Microsoft Word.
  3. Select the Mail Merge table (+ symbol in left corner of table) and click properties.
  4. Make note of the Table width. If a new column will be added (see next steps), the table width will be increased and will then need to be re-adjusted.
  5. Add a column to the table (MS Word toolbar | Layout | Insert Left or Insert Right)
  6. Enter the column heading in the top row of the table.
  7. On the MS Word toolbar, click the 'Insert' tab.
  8. Place the mouse cursor into the new field (2nd row).
  9. Click the 'Quick Parts' drop-down | Field.
  10. In the popup form, select MergeField in the Field names pane (left side). Tip: Click M and then M again will jump to this option.
  11. Within the Field properties section, enter the mail merge field name that was listed in the help topic (see step 1).
  12. Click 'OK'
  13. Adjust the table width back to its original setting by selecting the table (+ symbol in left corner of table) and click properties.
  14. Enter the table width from step 4 then click OK