Add Custom Log Report - Step 4 - Report Design - Table Control (Tablix)

Add Table Control (Tablix)

  1. Drag the table control to the body section of the report.
    Note: It may require clicking off the table control and then back on the control to view the complete list of Table properties.

  2. Enter a table name but this can not include spaces. See image above.
  3. Select the appropriate Dataset from the drop-down. See image above.

Select Fields in 2nd Row of Table Control

  1. Navigate to the table's second row and click the first cell.
  2. Click the icon in the cell to view the dataset's fields.

  3. Optional: Use the search field to filter the field listing.

  4. Selected field will appear in the cell.

  5. Continue selecting additional fields.
  6. To add or delete columns, select the cell and right click using the mouse.

To Add Expression Fields

  1. Navigate to a new cell in the table's second row.
  2. Click the small square icon next to the content field shown in the Properties section then click Expression (not shown).

  3. Select Fields(dataset name) in the Data drop-down. This will list the dataset's fields.
  4. Optional: Double click on the field to add it to the expression above. Expressions can also be manually typed.

  5. Click the 'OK' button.

Add Column Headings in Table's First Row

  1. Navigate to the table's first row and cell.
  2. Enter the column name in the Properties section's Content field. In addition, change the styling as needed (ex. background = black, font color = white).

  3. Enter the remaining column names and apply the appropriate styling.

Cell Alignment

Text alignment (ex. left, center or right) should be adjusted for column headings and/or fields as needed. This especially applicable for currency fields.

  1. Select the cell.
  2. Set the Alignment in the Properties section.

Column Width Adjustments

  1. Select the column by clicking just above the first row.
  2. Set the Width in the Properties section.

Final Table (Tablix) Position and Width Adjustments

Although adjusting the table position and width can be done initially when it is added to the report, modifications can also be done later as shown below.

  1. Place the mouse cursor at the top left corner of the table control and click the box on the left.

  2. Adjust the Position and Width in the Properties section as needed.

Table (Tablix) Sorting

  1. With the table control selected, click the 'Set Sorts' button in the Properties section.

  2. Click the '+ Add' link at the top right corner of the popup form.

  3. Add field sorting as needed.

Final Header and Footer Position Adjustments

After adjusting column widths, controls added to the Header and Footer section may need to be repositioned.

  1. Select the control in the Header or Footer.
  2. Adjust the Position and Size in the Properties section as needed.