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Estimate Item Summary
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code for Field Use
EstimateId, ShowComments
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code for Field Use with Lbr Productivity
EstimateId, ShowComments
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code with Cost and Sell Totals
EstimateId, IncludeMarkups
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code with Hours, Cost and Sell Totals
EstimateId, IncludeMarkups
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code with Resource Hours and Totals
EstimateId, CostorSell, IncludeMarkups
Estimate Items Grouped by Cost Code with Resource Totals
EstimateId, CostorSell, IncludeMarkups
Estimate Items Grouped by Location and Cost Code for Field Use
EstimateId, ShowComments