Report Name
Filter Parameters
Fixed Lump Sum Subcontract Items Grouped by Prime, Status and Cost Code
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, SubcontractStatus, JCCId
Fixed Lump Sum Subcontract Items Grouped by Prime, Status and Division
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, SubcontractStatus, JCCDivision
Fixed Lump Sum Subcontract Items Grouped by Prime, Status and Owner Code
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, SubcontractStatus, OwnerCostCodeId
Subcontracts and Approved SCOs Grouped By Prime and Billing Type
ProjectId, PrimeContractId
Subcontracts Grouped by Prime Contract and CO
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, COId, SubcontractStatus
Subcontracts Grouped by Prime Contract, Status and Billing Type
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, SubcontractStatus, BillingType
Unit Price Subcontract Items Grouped by Prime, Status and Cost Code
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, SubcontractStatus, JCCId