Report Name
Filter Parameters
Comply Notices Grouped by Closed Status and Issued To
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, ComplyNoticeStatus, ComplyNoticeType, DueDateFrom, DueDateTo, RespondedDateFrom, RespondedDateTo, IncludeDescRespConc
Comply Notices Grouped by Closed Status and Reference Field
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, ComplyNoticeStatus, Reference, DueDateFrom, DueDateTo, RespondedDateFrom, RespondedDateTo, IncludeDescRespConc
Comply Notices Grouped by Closed Status and Type
ProjectId, PrimeContractId, ComplyNoticeStatus, ComplyNoticeType, DueDateFrom, DueDateTo, RespondedDateFrom, RespondedDateTo, IncludeDescRespConc