Create Bill from PDF or Image


  • Purchase OCR Scanning Option. For more information, contact our Customer Support team.

Create Bills from PDF or Image Steps:

  1. Click the 'Vendor Hub' icon on the left menu.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Create Bills from PDF or Image' link.
  3. Select or drag the Vendor Bill in PDF or image format to the upload area (dotted box).
  4. Wait until the file has been scanned then click the 'Files Ready for Processing' tab.
  5. Locate the file in the listing then click the Actions drop-down on the right.
  6. Click 'Convert' in the Actions drop-down. This will open the 'Add Bill' form. Text extracted from the scan will be prefilled in the form saving data entry.
  7. Select or enter all required fields that are blank. Labels are marked in red.
  8. Optional: Default Line Item Values (Default selections specified above the grid will be used when the corresponding grid entries are left blank.)
    • Job Cost Code
    • Tax Code
    • Resource
    • Billable Status
  9. Navigate to the 'Bill Items' section.
  10. Review the Item # (sort order), Item Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Price.
  11. Job Cost Code: Use Default Selection in "Default Line Item Values" section or select a specific cost code in the grid row.
  12. Optional Tax Code: Use Default Selection in "Default Line Item Values" section or select a specific tax code in the grid row.
  13. Resource: Use Default Selection in "Default Line Item Values" section or select a specific resource code in the grid row. This field is used to categorize expenses by Material, Labor, Equipment, Sub, and Other. If no resource is specified in the "Default Line Item Values" section or grid row then Materials (M) will be used.
  14. Optional Billable Status: This field is applicable to Cost Plus Prime Contracts only where expenses can be imported into a Prime Contract Invoice. If Billable Status is not specified in the grid row then the Default Selection in the "Default Line Item Values" section will be used.
    • Billable: Expense item can be imported into Prime Contract Invoice.
    • Unbillable: Expense item cannot be imported into Prime Contract Invoice.
    • On Hold: Unclear at this time if expense item can be passed on to the customer.
  15. Repeat the steps above for any additional items.
  16. Click the 'Save' or 'Save and New' button at the bottom.