TeamLink Portal Authentication Method 1 - Collaboration Example

The example provided below is from a GC's perpective using the Request for Information (RFI) feature to submit a question to the Architect (i.e. Respondent) on the Project. The process illustrates how the built-in email capabilities in conjunction with the TeamLink Portal can be an effective collaboration tool.

  1. GC creates an RFI within Sage Construction Management and uploads additional files (i.e. drawings, photographs) that resided on his/her computer or server that pertain to the project record. The uploaded files will be linked automatically to the Project and RFI.
  2. The Architect is added to the respondent list within the RFI details form.
  3. The GC clicks the 'Actions' menu within the RFI form and uses the 'Email to Respondent' option.
  4. The Architect receives the email which includes an auto-generated hyperlink to the TeamLink portal. The hyperlink is encoded to view only that particular RFI.
  5. The Architect clicks on the hyperlink within the email.
  6. The Architect then provides a response to the RFI and as an option can upload any additional files (i.e. marked up sketches) that pertain to his/her response. These additional files are now stored in Sage Construction Management and are also linked to the Project and RFI like the original files from step 1. In addition, Sage Construction Management will send an email alert notifying the GC that the Architect responded in the portal.
  7. Back within Sage Construction Management, the GC then reviews the RFI response including any uploaded files from the Architect.