User Details

Company and Employee Name Information

Information such as name, display name, title, mobile phone and business email address is also shown in the HR module. Thus, any changes here will be reflected in both areas.

Inbound Email Address

The Inbound email address is auto-generated by Sage Construction Management so no changes and comes into play when an email is sent out of Sage Construction Management and the recipient replies back via email as opposed to clicking on the provided TeamLink Portal. This reply email will appear in Sage Construction Management | Email | Inbox for the original user.


Contacts and Employees can be made Active or Inactive. Unchecking this field would remove the user and mark the employee inactive in the HR Module.

Is User

To remove an Employee as a User, uncheck the 'Is User' field and cick the 'Save' button at the bottom of the form.

User Information

User Login

Can be same as Email Address or user defined.

Security Role

Security Role is applicable to only Standard Logins not Time/Expense users. For more information on these roles, please click here.

Hint Question and Hint Answer

Both of these fields are used to retrieve a password via email if it is unknown.


When entering a new password, the information must be entered twice to confirm the setting and comply with the User Password Security Policy which is set in Company Settings | Global.

Access All Projects

If this is unchecked be sure to select the projects the user has access to otherwise there will be no project to select on the Main Menu.

Access All Uploaded Files

Regardless of the Security Role, if this setting is checked the User will be able to view uploaded files from any one.

Other Preferences

Receive notification for inbound emails

By checking this field, a copy of the email that is sent to Sage Construction Management | Email | Inbox will be sent to the user's standard email address as well.

See Inbound Email Address above for more information.

Message Timeout (Seconds)

Error messages appear in a pop-up form. This property will determine how long in seconds the message should appear before auto closing.

Set Favorite Features (Hyperlink)

User can select which features are their favorite and used most. The selected features will then appear at the top of the Jump to Page list and in Mobile Apps.

Set Push Notifications (Hyperlink)

User can select the type of Push Notification they want to receive. Typically, these are geared for mobile phones but can also appear in the browser if enabled.

Set Alerts (Hyperlink)

User can select the type of Alerts they want appear on the Home View and Calendars.

The following properties will not be shown if the user has been assigned the 'Administrator' security role.

Add / Edit Companies and Contacts

All security roles provide read access to Companies and Contacts in the Contact Management module. Checking one or both fields will provide permissions to add or edit corresponding records.

Change Project Status

If checked, user can make a Project active or inactive.

Add / Edit Templates

Admins have full access rights to Settings including the ability to add or delete Detail Report Templates (aka MS Word Templates). If a non-Admin user needs this permission as well then this field should be checked.


Session Duration Log Out

Specify how long the user can be inactive in Sage Construction Management before they are automatically logged out. The user will see a message letting them know that they're about to be logged out of the system.

The default selection is 1 hour, but you can adjust it up to 12 hours.

Single Sign On (SSO) and Phone Authentication

Use Single Sign On (SSO) or Phone Authentication?

If checked, Google SSO or Microsoft Azure Active Directory credentials can be used to Log in to Sage Construction Management. In addition, authentication can be verified using a code that is sent to the user's phone.

Time Approval Access

Important: Time Approval Access is shown only when Time Approval Workflow is enabled.

When this feature is turned on, a manager must be specified for each employee so an organization chart can be established. In cases where the user needs to approve timecards for people that do not directly report to him or her, the Time Approval Access lookup button can be used to specify these employees.