Contacts Overview
- Like Companies, Contacts can be added manually, imported from Microsoft Excel, or copied from Microsoft Outlook using the AccountingLink utility.
- Contacts require a first name, last name and company reference in order to be saved.
- Although not required, contacts should have an email address since correspondence can be sent out directly from Sage Construction Management.
- Contacts can have three address types: Business, Home, and Other. The latter two are for reference purposes only. When integrating with Microsoft Outlook, all three address types will be updated.
- Contacts can be referenced on project records such as RFIs, Submittals, Daily Logs, COs, POs, and Subcontracts etc. When printing project detail reports, you can specify the Company's Shipping address, Billing address, or the Contact's Business address.
- Contacts shown under YOUR company profile will also appear in the HR | Employees section.
Example Company and Contact Records
Company | Contact |
Stika Concrete | Ray Stika John Stika |
Smith, John and Mary or Smith Residence | John Smith Mary Smith |
Home Deport (Irvine - Store #02102) | Sales Department Estimating Department |
Home Deport (Costa Mesa - Store #02310) | Sales Department Estimating Department |