Business Processes for Client Change Management

Pricing on new scope of work

Follow these steps when your client asks for pricing on a change request before proceeding.

  1. Create Change Proposal Request (CPR) and document the following.
    • Subject and Scope of Work Change
    • Impacted Vendor Items
    • Official Proposed Items
    • Status can be set to Draft, Pending Submission or Pending
  2. Print CPR for Owner review once all details are finalized.
  3. Run CPR To CO Wizard to merge one or more approved CPRs into a single Change Order (CO).
  4. Print CO for Owner review and approval.
  5. Run CPR To Procurement Wizard to create POs, Subcontracts and/or Sub Change Orders (SCOs) for Vendor Impacted Items.

Client approves payment for changes

Follow these steps after a client approves payment for a change order.

  1. Create a Prime Contract CO (not CPR) and enter the Subject and Scope of Work Change.
  2. Mark CO Approved with a Status Date.
  3. Reference CO on POs, Bills, Subcontracts, SCOs and Timecards that are impacted by CO.
  4. After work has been completed, open CO and click Proposed Items link.
  5. Click Import button below Proposed Items grid and import expenses from Step 3.
  6. Print CO details report for Owner approval.

Allowance items included in estimate used for prime contract

Follow these steps when allowance items are included in a Sage Construction Management Estimate which was used for the setup of the prime contract.

Sage Construction Management Estimate Prerequisites:

  • Line items or materials were details on plans and specs are not specific enough have the allowance field checked.
  • Estimate calculation would sum cost/sell values per cost code and how much is made up of allowances. Both would take into account hidden/distributed global markups.

Contract Admin Setup Wizard (Used initially when project is awarded.):

  1. Creates Job Cost Codes using Estimate Cost Codes
  2. Creates Prime Contract
  3. Creates Original Contract Items using either Summary by Job Cost Code or Estimate Line Items option. Both would include Allowance items and values.
  4. Creates Cost and Hour Budgets per Job Cost Code. Both would include Allowance items and values.
  5. Creates Allowance Package for each Estimate Cost Code where Allowance Total > 0
  6. Adds Estimate Line Items (with Allowance field checked) to appropriate Allowance Package

Add Allowance Package Item Options:

The Contract Admin Setup Wizard will not create Allowance Item Options so this must be done after the package has been created.

  1. Open Allowance Package
  2. Click on Allowance Item
  3. Add Item Options in which one will be selected later by the Client via the TeamLink Portal. Options can also be imported from the Work Items listing.
  4. Send Allowance Package Response Request Email to the client. See Actions drop-down.

Client Selections via the TeamLink Portal:

  1. Client logs into the TeamLink Portal to review Allowance Package.
  2. Clicks on Allowance Item(s) to review options.
  3. Client makes selection.
  4. Client reviews Financial Summary section showing Allowance Items vs Clients Selected Options

Create CO from Allowance Package:

  1. Allowance Package is locked so no changes can be made via the portal.
  2. CO is created using Allowance Package.
  3. COs Proposed Items sub-table would consist of the following.
    • Original Allowance Items but with negative values
    • Selected Options
  4. CO Subtotal would reflect the variance between Allowance Items and Selections.

Creates POs, Subcontracts or SCOs for Selections:

  1. Use CO as source to Create POs, Subcontracts or SCOs for Selected Items.