Add invoice for fixed-lump-sum prime contract and enter invoice amount for each job cost code

Before you begin, see Add an invoice for a fixed-lump-sum prime contract. This article refers to option B listed under step 3.

  1. Optional: Select Job Cost Code above grid to filter Original Contract and CO Items.
  2. Optional: Use the Search field to filter based on text match.
  3. Navigate to the Original Prime Contract or CO Item that needs to be invoiced.
  4. Enter a value in either Current Work, Current Stored, or % Complete cell.
    Current Work and Stored values DO NOT include previous amounts and are the net values just for the current billing period.
    The % Complete is an overall percentage and DOES include prior billing periods.
  5. Repeat step above for other items that are being billed this period.
  6. Click Add or Add and Next button shown below the grid. The Add button is applicable if additional filtering is required.

Important Things To Know:

  • Original or CO Items will be removed from the import list if they have been invoiced in full.
  • Only Original or CO Items that will be billed in the current period need to be added to the invoice.
  • Approved COs are not available for import unless the COs Issue and Status Date is less than the Prime Invoices Issue Date.
  • Negative Approved CO Line Items should be imported and billed fully similar to positive changes.