Request For Pricing (RFP) Packages

Request for Pricing (RFP) Packages are used to request, track, and analyze pricing on items that will be needed for a lead or project. RFP Packages are typically created for each scope of work (eg. concrete, doors, windows, electrical etc.) that is either subcontracted out or where suppliers will need to provide materials. If the project is awarded, the winning bidder for each package can be issued a PO or Subcontract in the Procurement module.

RFP Packages can be created in the procurement module or within an estimate. Both processes are almost identical but the difference is estimate items must be linked to a package in the latter scenario. It is not uncommon for GCs and custom home builders to have 20-30 RFP Packages within an estimate which is accessible in the Estimate's Bid Management Tab.

Estimate RFP Package Contents

  • Package Code and Title
  • General Description of Work, Inclusions, Exclusions, and Clarifications (4 fields- Unlimited Text)
  • Bid Due Date and Time
  • From Company and Contact (ex. Your Company and Bid Captain/Chief Estimator)
  • Subs or Suppliers
    • Special Comments for Bid Invitation
    • Tagged Estimate Line Items

Estimate RFP Package Functions