Assemblies are a combination of Labor, Equipment, and Work Items that are part of a single system or operation of work and share common dimensional information which are defined using Variables. Like Crews, Assemblies added to an estimate will have their own unique details form which will list the variables, components, and pricing summary.
Important things to know
- Assembly components, such as Labor, Equipment, and Work Items, appear in the Estimate Sheet. The Assembly Header Description is not included.
- The Quantity fields for the Assembly Header and Components are not enabled and are calculated using Variables.
- Assembly pricing is the sum of the Components.
Update assemblies and components in an estimate
- Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
- Change the Item Grouping to Assembly / Crew Items Only. This will group Estimate Items, also called components, by Assembly or Crew.
- Navigate to the appropriate Assembly Section.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Assembly Code.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Variables for Assembly and Component Equations section.
- Update the Quantity for each Variable listed. As mentioned above, this will automatically calculate the Crew Header and Component quantities.
- Click the Save button within the Variables section.
- Review the calculated Assembly Quantity at the top section.
- Review the calculated Assembly Component Quantities, Cost and Sell Totals.
- Click the Assembly Cost and Sell Totals tab.
- Review the calculated Overall Assembly Cost and Sell Totals.