Labor items
When Labor Items are added to an estimate, they will have their own unique details form to simplify data entry and offer tailored functionality.
Example labor item
Description: Concrete Foremen
Quantity: 40
Units: Hours Note: Typical labor units are Hours, Days, Weeks, Months.
Cost Rates: Base Cost Rate = $35.00
Burden Cost Rate = $10.00
Total Cost Rate = $45.00
Note: Burden Cost could be for insurance and benefits.
Proposal/Sell Rates: Sell Rate = $75.00
Note: Sell Rates appear on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or marked up by a percentage or dollar amount. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.
Totals: Total Cost = 40 Hours * $45.00/Hour = $1,800.00 Total Sell = 40 Hours * $75.00/Hour = $3,000.00
Calculated Labor Hours:
The estimate item's calculated labor hours is based on the unit referenced. The formula that Sage Construction Management use internally for conversion is as follows.
- 1 Hour = 1 Hour
- 1 Day = 8 Hours (work hours)
- 1 Week = 5 Days (work days) * 8 Hours = 40 Hours
- 1 Month = 22 Days (work days) * 8 Hours = 176 Hours
Note: If the labor unit is blank or doesn't match hours, days, weeks, or months then calculated labor hours is set to zero (0).
Option 1: Edit labor items in the estimate item details form
- Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
- Optional: Select the Cost Code to filter the listing.
- Click the Special Filter drop-down shown to the right of Cost Code and select Labor Items.
- Navigate to the Estimate/Labor Item that needs to be updated.
- Click the pencil icon to the left of the Item #.
- Review/Update the Labor Description, Quantity and Unit.
- Optional: Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Unit field to switch units (ex. Hours, Days, Weeks, Months).
- Navigate to the Item Resource Units and Rates tab.
- Review/Update the Labor Conversion Factor, Unit, Base Cost, Burden Cost and Sell Rate per the Resource Unit. Sell Rate Note: As mentioned above, the Sell Rate appears on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or set higher using a percentage or dollar markup. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.
- Click the Save And Close to update the item.
Option 2: Edit labor items in the estimate grid
- Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
- Optional: Select the Cost Code to filter the listing.
- Click the Special Filter drop-down shown to the right of Cost Code and select Labor Items.
- Select Labor for the View. This will determine which fields are shown in the grid and thus can be updated.
- Click the Edit button to the right of the Choose bulk action button shown above the grid.
- Review/Update the Item Description, Quanity and Unit.
- Review/Update the Labor Conversion Factor, Unit, Base Cost, Burden Cost and Sell Rate per the Resource Unit. Sell Rate Note: As mentioned above, the Sell Rate appears on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or set higher using a percentage or dollar markup. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.
- Click the Save button in the form footer.