Labor items

When Labor Items are added to an estimate, they will have their own unique details form to simplify data entry and offer tailored functionality.

Example labor item

Description: Concrete Foremen

Quantity: 40

Units: Hours Note: Typical labor units are Hours, Days, Weeks, Months.

Cost Rates: Base Cost Rate = $35.00

Burden Cost Rate = $10.00

Total Cost Rate = $45.00

Note: Burden Cost could be for insurance and benefits.

Proposal/Sell Rates: Sell Rate = $75.00

Note: Sell Rates appear on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or marked up by a percentage or dollar amount. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.

Totals: Total Cost = 40 Hours * $45.00/Hour = $1,800.00 Total Sell = 40 Hours * $75.00/Hour = $3,000.00

Calculated Labor Hours:

The estimate item's calculated labor hours is based on the unit referenced. The formula that Sage Construction Management use internally for conversion is as follows.

  • 1 Hour = 1 Hour
  • 1 Day = 8 Hours (work hours)
  • 1 Week = 5 Days (work days) * 8 Hours = 40 Hours
  • 1 Month = 22 Days (work days) * 8 Hours = 176 Hours

Note: If the labor unit is blank or doesn't match hours, days, weeks, or months then calculated labor hours is set to zero (0).

Option 1: Edit labor items in the estimate item details form

  1. Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
  2. Optional: Select the Cost Code to filter the listing.
  3. Click the Special Filter drop-down shown to the right of Cost Code and select Labor Items.
  4. Navigate to the Estimate/Labor Item that needs to be updated.
  5. Click the pencil icon to the left of the Item #.
  6. Review/Update the Labor Description, Quantity and Unit.
  7. Optional: Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Unit field to switch units (ex. Hours, Days, Weeks, Months).
  8. Navigate to the Item Resource Units and Rates tab.
  9. Review/Update the Labor Conversion Factor, Unit, Base Cost, Burden Cost and Sell Rate per the Resource Unit. Sell Rate Note: As mentioned above, the Sell Rate appears on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or set higher using a percentage or dollar markup. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.
  10. Click the Save And Close to update the item.

Option 2: Edit labor items in the estimate grid

  1. Within the Estimate, click the Estimate Items tab at the top.
  2. Optional: Select the Cost Code to filter the listing.
  3. Click the Special Filter drop-down shown to the right of Cost Code and select Labor Items.
  4. Select Labor for the View. This will determine which fields are shown in the grid and thus can be updated.
  5. Click the Edit button to the right of the Choose bulk action button shown above the grid.
  6. Review/Update the Item Description, Quanity and Unit.
  7. Review/Update the Labor Conversion Factor, Unit, Base Cost, Burden Cost and Sell Rate per the Resource Unit. Sell Rate Note: As mentioned above, the Sell Rate appears on the Proposal and can either be equal to the Cost Rate or set higher using a percentage or dollar markup. The Sell Rate should never be lower than the Cost Rate.
  8. Click the Save button in the form footer.