Setup Job Cost Codes, Prime Contract and Budgets Using A Microsoft Excel File

Project Records Created Using This Import Spreadsheet

  • Job Cost Codes
  • Prime Contract
  • Job Cost Code Budgets (shown in Prime Contract)
    • Contract Items (aka Schedule of Values)
    • Cost Budgets: Material, Labor, Equipment, Sub and Other
    • Labor Hours
    • Equipment Hours

Prepare The Microsoft Excel Import File

  1. Open a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or download the sample file referenced below.
  2. The first row (column names) should be labeled as shown in the table. Be sure to include the required fields. Field names do not contain any spacing within the word or before and after.
  3. Insert data starting at Row 2.
  4. If Sage Construction Management will be integrated with an accounting packages such as Intuit QuickBooks, the CostCode and CostCodeDescription columns should match the accounting system's Service Items.
  5. Make sure the sheet name that contains the data is labeled Sheet1.
  6. Save the file in Excel 97-2003 format (*.xls).
  7. Close the file otherwise Sage Construction Management can not import the data.

Steps To Import the File

Setup Revenue Budgets When The Original Contract Items (aka Schedule of Values) Do Not Match Cost Codes One-To-One

  • Prepare import file as documented in this help topic. However, set the Revenue Budget (column=RevenueBudget) to zero (0) for each cost code.
  • Run the Contract Admin Setup Wizard to create Job Cost Codes, Prime Contract and Internal Cost Budgets.
  • Open Prime Contract created from previous step.
  • Import Contract Items from Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel Import Samples

Industry Standard Codes



Land Development - Residential or Commercial


Unit Price Contracts

Microsoft Excel Fields (1st Row):

Column Name Required (*) Field Type Comments
Job Cost Code Fields
Order * Number Order number is used for sorting the job cost code listing.
CostCode * Text When integrating Sage Construction Management with an accounting system such as Intuit QuickBooks, the Cost Code or one of the Internal Grouping fields will match the Service Item in that respective system.
CostCodeDescription * Text
ItemCode Text This is applicable to the Prime Contract Original Items table (aka Schedule of Values). Typically, this is blank which is why this is not shown in our default templates.
Quantity * Number If the Cost Code Quantity is not specified, the default value will be one (1).

For Unit Price contracts, the Quantity is the same as Estimated Project Quantity.

Units * Text For Unit Price contracts, enter the Unit of Measure that corresponds to the Estimated Project Quantity. Otherwise, Units is usually LS.
Job Cost Code Internal Grouping Fields (Optional)
CostCodeDiv Text All Internal Grouping fields are optional. The purpose of these fields are to group financials other than by Job Cost Code.


Cost Code: 03300

Cost Code Description: Concrete Formwork

Cost Code Division: 03000

Cost Code Division Description: Concrete

Cost Code Major: 03300

Cost Code Major Description: Concrete Formwork

CostCodeDivDesc Text
CostCodeMaj Text
CostCodeMajDesc Text
CostCodeMin Text
CostCodeMinDesc Text
CostCodeSubmin Text
CostCodeSubminDesc Text
Default Tax and Workers Compensation Codes (Optional)
ARTaxCode Text Applicable to Prime Contracts, CPRs, COs, and Prime Invoice Billed Retainage (aka Holdbacks). Tax Codes can be setup in Settings | Company Settings | Taxation.
APTaxCode Text Applicable to POs, Bills, Subcontracts, SCOs, Sub Invoice Billed Retainage (aka Holdbacks), and Employee Misc. Expenses. Tax Codes can be setup in Settings | Company Settings | Taxation.
WorkCompCode Text Applicable to Labor Timecards. Workers Compensation Codes can be setup in Settings | Feature Settings | Time and Expenses.
Owner Cost Codes (Optional)
OwnerCostCode Text For projects where the owner/customer requires a cost code structure that is different from one's own system, owner cost codes can be established and linked to internal cost codes (i.e. CostCode and CostCodeDescription). In scenarios whereIt is important that each job cost code has
OwnerCostCodeDesc Text
Prime Contract Cost Budgets
MatlCostBudget Number The seven (7) Estimated or Original Cost Budgets fields should not include profit or fee. These values will be compared against Committed Costs (i.e. POs, Subcontracts, SCOs, Labor Timecards, Equipment Timecards) and Cost To Date Transactions (i.e. Bills, Sub Invoices, Labor Timecards, Equipment Timecards).
LbrBaseCostBudget Number
LbrBurdenCostBudget Number
EqpBaseCostBudget Number
EqpBurdenCostBudget Number
SubCostBudget Number
OtherCostBudget Number
Prime Contract Revenue Budgets
RevenueBudget Number Fixed Lump Sum Contract:
Revenue Budget = Proposal Amount, Schedule of Values (commercial) or Bank Draws (residential)

Cost Plus Without GMP Contract:
Not Applicable

Cost Plus With GMP Contract:
Revenue Budget = Guaranteed Maximum Price

Unit Price Contract:
Revenue Budget = Est. Contract Amount using Est. Project Quantities
Prime Contract Hour Budgets (Optional)
LbrHrsBudget Number The four (4) estimated hour budgets fields are compared against Labor Timecards and Equipment Timecards. If these fields are not included in the spreadsheet, the default budgets will be zero (0).
EqpRunTimeHrsBudget Number
EqpDownTimeHrsBudget Number
EqpIdleTimeHrsBudget Number