Lead Directory Overview

The Lead Directory is a list of key Companies/Contacts that are associated with the job opportunity. Subs and suppliers that may be referenced on the Invitation to Bid (ITB) list or an Request For Pricing (RFP) Package do NOT need to be added to the Lead Directory.

Typical Companies Added to the Leads Directory

  • Prospect
  • Architect

Important Things To Know

  • Both Leads and Projects have a Directory which are independent of one another. However, if the job opportunity has been awarded the companies in the Lead Directory will be copied to the Project Directory when using the 'Lead to Project Wizard'.
  • As mentioned above, Bidders (ex. Subs and Suppliers) do not need to be referenced in the Lead Directory.
  • A Contact must be specified when adding a Company to the Lead Directory. This Contact should also include an email address.

Steps To Complete Before Creating The Lead Directory

  • Make sure all Companies involved on the job are entered in the Contact Management module. Each company added should also have at least one contact with an email address.

Lead Directory Functions