Implementation Tips For Residential Developers With Multiple Lots Using Budget Spreadsheets
Business Scenario
- Developer purchases land to develop homes.
- Developer would like to keep land development and lot construction all under one project.
- There are multiple phases as shown below.
- Acquisition Phase: Analyzing suitable land for developing residential community.
- Design Phase: Working with architects and consultants to complete model designs and floor plans.
- Land Preparation Phase: Land clearing, surveying, sewers, utility lines, curb/street construction.
- Lot Construction Phase: Building homes on individual lots.
- There could be either single lender or multiple lenders involved in the four phases.
- The last two phases (ex. Land Preparation and Lot Construction) can be managed by Sage Construction Management using the instructions provided below. These steps cover the job costing aspects of the program where budgets are setup using a spreadsheet and not an actual Sage Construction Management estimate.
1. Implementation Plan: Contact Management
Make sure all firms involved on the project including lenders are added in the Contact Management module.
Example Firms:
- Lending Source A (for Land Development Phase)
- Lending Source B (for Lot Construction Phase)
- Legal Firm
- Architect
- Consultants
- Suppliers
- Subcontractors
Related Help Topic:
2. Implementation Plan: Project
There would be one project established in Sage Construction Management for the Land Preparation and Lot Construction Phases.
Example Project:
- Project # Seacliff
- Project Title: Seacliff Estates
Related Help Topics:
3. Implementation Plan: Project Directory
The following companies should be added to the Project Directory.
- Your Firm
- Lending Source A (for Land Development Phase) *
- Lending Source B (for Lot Construction Phase) *
- Legal Firm
- Architect
- Consultants
- Suppliers
- Subcontractors
* Note: There could also be one lending source for Land and Lot Construction Phases.
Related Help Topic:
4. Implementation Plan: Job Cost Codes and Prime Contract Budgets
The spreadsheets listed below can be used by the Contract Admin Setup Wizard to populate Job Cost Codes and Prime Contract Budgets.
* Spreadsheet could be used for each lot to populate the prime contract budgets. See Project and Prime Contract structure below as an example.
Related Help Topics:
- Help Topic - Contract Setup Wizard
- Help Topic - Job Cost Codes Overview
- Help Topic - Prime Contract Overview
Example Prime Contract Setup Structure for Land Development and Lot Construction
- Project # Seacliff: Seacliff Estates
- Prime Contract # LandDev: Land Development
- Land Development Cost Code 1: Raw Land Acquisition
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Land Development Cost Code 2: Engineering and Surveying
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Land Development Cost Code 3: Temporary Construction
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Land Development Cost Code 1: Raw Land Acquisition
- Prime Contract # Lot-001: Lot 1
- Lot Construction Cost Code 1: Concrete
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 2: Framing
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 3: Roofing
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 1: Concrete
- Prime Contract # Lot-002: Lot 2
- Lot Construction Cost Code 1: Concrete
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 2: Framing
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 3: Roofing
- Cost Budgets: Internal Cost Budgets (M|L|E|S|O)
- Contract Amount: Loan or Funding Source Amount
- Labor Hour Budget
- Equipment Hour Budget
- Lot Construction Cost Code 1: Concrete
- Prime Contract # LandDev: Land Development