Estimate properties

Estimate #, title, and size

Source and Lead/Project #

Estimates can be created for Leads and Projects. However, this can not be manually changed after the estimate has been created.

Estimate #

Within a Lead or Project, Estimates will be numbered using a format 001, 002, 003 etc. Sage Construction Management will auto-populate this text field but it can be manually changed.

Estimate Title

If there are multiple estimates for a given Lead or Project, the Estimate Title must be unique (ex. Base Bid, Alt 1, Alt 2 etc.).

Size and Units

Typically, the Estimate Size is the structure size. For example, if the structure being built is 3000 square feet, Size would be 3000 and Units would be "SF". If this value is not known or is not applicable, enter 1 (not 0) for the Quantity and 'LS' for the Units.

Estimate reviewer

The Reviewer (aka Estimating User) is the person responsible for reviewing the final estimate before sending out the Proposal.

Prospect / Customer

It is highly recommended to click the 'Import' button to import the prospect or customer rather than typing this information in manually. Options listed in the popup form will be firms that are in the Lead or Project Directory. Selecting a contact is also recommended if the estimate proposal will be emailed.

Auto populate estimate cost codes (Sections)

Estimates are broken down into sections which can either be entered manually, imported or dynamically created when items are added from a cost database. In the latter scenario, the coding structure that is used to classify cost database items should be referenced in the Code Type field. Typically, this would be the name of your master cost code structure since cost database items and estimate sections would use the same system.

The recommended setting for Code Level is 'Lowest' since master cost codes can be up to four tiers deep (ex. Division, Major, Minor and Subminor) and cost database items may reference codes at any one of these four levels. Thus, this will ensure the appropriate code is used when Estimate Cost Codes (Sections) are added dynamically.

In scenarios where the Code Type or Level do not match the way cost database items are classified then an 'unc - Unclassified' section would be created.

For more details on Master Cost Codes: Click Here

Categorize items with user-defined locations

Locations are estimate specific and can be used to categorize line items similar to cost codes. Checking the Enable Locations field will make this tab visible in the estimate so locations can be added or imported from another estimate. Below are residential and commercial examples of Locations.

  • Residential: kitchen, family room, master bedroom, master bathroom, 2nd bedroom, 3rd bedroom
  • Commercial: lobby, break room, room 102, room 202, floor 1 hallway, floor 1 bathrooms

Default database and RS means pricing localization

Default Database

The Default Database is applicable when Adding Cost DB Items to an Estimate. Local refers to your own database in Sage Construction Management. In addition, RS Means cost databases are available but an additional charge. Like Local, a purchased RS Means cost database can be the default.

RS Means City, State, Zip/Postal Code

If an RS Means database is selected, then city, state and zip code can be specified so pricing will be localized instead of using the national average price.

For more details on RS Means localized pricing: Click Here

Default Sage Construction Management labor and equipment location rates

Default and Location based rates can be established in the Labor and Equipment Cost Database. The latter is beneficial for contractors who perform work in various cities or counties that have distinct rates. The specified Location would be based on the Lead or Project Address.

For more details on Labor and Equipment Locations: Click Here

Proposal date and valid thru dates

Both Proposal and Valid Thru dates can be shown on Estimate Proposals via a bookmark.

Overall status

Overall Status is beneficial when multiple estimates have been prepared for a given job such as Base Bid, Alt 1, Alt 2 and Alt 3 and the customer or prospect awards only one or a few depending on the budget. The latter often comes into play on government jobs.

Estimate RFP package locking

RFP Packages can be used to request and collect sub/supplier pricing for estimate line items. At some point in the bidding process, pricing needs to be locked so no changes can be made by outside vendors via the TeamLink Portal.

This is especially important when a proposal has been sent to the prospect or client. By globally locking prices, all RFP Packages linked to the Estimate will be locked. Another option is to lock individual RFP Packages but that has to be done in the Bid Management view.

Estimate locking

All data within an estimate can be locked so no changes can be made. This includes cost codes, locations, line items, markups, etc.

Linked files

Drawings and Specifications do not need to be linked in the Estimate Properties form. A more applicable scenario would be to upload the completed proposal in Doc, Docx or PDF format to this section.

Typically, this would list RFP Package vendor quotes (PDF format) submitted via the TeamLink Portal.

Sent message

This shows a log of when the Estimate Proposal was sent via email to the client or prospect. It would not include vendor bid invitations for RFP Packages.