Procurement RFP Package - Add or Import Vendor Items

Add Vendor Items Manually

  1. With the Procurement RFP Package details form open, navigate to the Bidders list section.
  2. Click the 'Add / Import Items' drop-down shown above the Vendor grid .
  3. Enter the Item #, Description, Quantity and Units.
    Important: Unit price should be set to zero (0) which will be later updated by the vendor in the TeamLink Portal.
  4. Optional: Enter the Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part # and UPC.
  5. Click the 'Save' or 'Save and New' button. The item will then be copied to each vendor in the Bidder list. The system will check Item Description to avoid duplicates.

Import Vendor Items From Sage Construction Management Database

Import Vendor Items From Microsoft Excel

Click here for more details.