Update Original Prime Contract Amount

Original Contract Amount Items cannot be added or modified for the following scenarios.

  • Workflow is turned on, an approval rule applies, and workflow has been initiated.
  • Workflow is turned on, an approval rule applies, and transaction has been approved.
  • Prime Invoices exist for the contract and Settings | Feature Settings | Contract Admin | Do not allow Prime Contracts or Change Orders to be modified after Prime Invoices have been created. is checked.

Add Original Contract Amount Items Manually

  1. Open an existing Prime Contract and scroll down to the Original Prime Contract Budgets section.
  2. Depending on the type of contract, click on the following link.
    • Fixed Lump Sum: Contract Amount (aka Schedule fo Values)
    • Cost Plus With GMP: Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
    • Unit Price: Unit Price Items
  3. Click the Add | Import Items drop-down shown above and to the right of the grid. If this is not visible, then please see section above.
  4. Click Add Manually in the drop-down.
  5. Enter the Item # (sort order), Item Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Price. For unit price contracts, quantity would represent the estimated project quantity.
  6. Select the Cost Code in the grid row.
  7. Optional Tax Code: Use Default Selection in header section or select a specific tax code in the grid row.
  8. Repeat the steps above for any additional items.
  9. Click the Save button shown at the bottom.

Edit Original Contract Amount Items

  1. Open an existing Prime Contract and scroll down to the Original Prime Contract Budgets section.
  2. Depending on the type of contract, click on the following link.
    • Fixed Lump Sum: Contract Amount (aka Schedule fo Values)
    • Cost Plus With GMP: Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
    • Unit Price: Unit Price Items
  3. Click the Edit button shown above the grid.
  4. Update the information as needed.
  5. Click the Save button shown at the bottom.

Importing Original Items